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Bouquet Toss Page 12

  “Would you like something to drink? They have really great microbrews here,” he says as he hands me the drink menu.

  “I think I’ll have some wine. Moscato is my favorite.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a sparkling white wine. It’s slightly bubbly and I just love it.”

  “Well, then, let’s get you a glass,” he smirks.

  The waitress arrives and Abram orders our drinks, “The Lady will have a glass of Moscato, and I’d like the Lemon Shandy House Brew.” At once I’m wooed by him referring to me as “the lady”---definitely a first for me while on a date. But, as our waitress walks away, I catch him staring at her ass! He turns back to me, a cocky grin spread about his face and winks, as if I should enjoy his wandering eye. I want to lash out, call him a pig and throw my drink (which has not yet arrived) square in his face. Instead, I hold my head high and convince myself to stay calm. All guys have roaming eyes, Abram just isn’t afraid to hide his.

  When our waitress arrives with our drinks, Abram focuses his attention completely on me once again so I decide to give him another chance. He is rather cute, after all.

  “To our first date,” he toasts, “I hope to get to know you much better during this meal, Daphne. So far, I’m very impressed.” He winks again. What is it with this guy and winking? Does he have some kind of twitch?

  “So, what is your all time favorite movie?” Abram asks, leaning in closer to me.

  “Hmm,” I ponder. “I would have to say Rocky.”

  “Really, that’s an interesting choice. Do you have a thing for inarticulate boxers?” he laughs in a mocking tone.

  “No, I love to root for the underdog. I also love the relationship between Rocky and Adrian. I’m a sucker for subtle romance.”

  “Wow,” he leans back into his side of the booth, seemingly disgusted by my movie choice. He acts as if I’ve harmed him in some way by having an opinion that doesn’t coincide with his own. Perhaps there is more to Abram than it seems.

  “What about you? What is your favorite movie?”

  “Well, I like to see films. Most of what is out there is complete drivel. It’s really hard for me to find a movie that I can tolerate. But, if I had to choose a film, it would be Citizen Kane.”

  “Oh,” I say simply. The way he enunciates the word film makes my skin crawl.

  “Is there a problem with Citizen Kane?” he asks defensively.

  “No,” I reply, “It’s just that I’ve never seen it.”

  “You can’t be serious, Daphne. Where have you been living, under a rock?”

  “Excuse me?” I ask, stunned. “That was uncalled for, Abram. I must say, you seem to be a bit of a movie snob.”

  “You’d better believe I am,” he retorts, “I don’t buy into the whole Hollywood trap where movies like Rocky are given Oscars and ridiculous actors like Stallone are able to rise to stardom. That guy sounds like he’s been punched in the face way too many times. Seriously, the guy can barely act his way out of a paper bag.

  What other movies do you like--Weekend at Bernie’s? The Muppets Take Manhattan?” He laughs into his beer, evidently amusing himself. I’m wishing that I hadn’t finished my Moscato so quickly so that I could, in fact, toss it into his smug little face, smudging his perfect glasses. Although he’d probably insist they are called “spectacles.” What an asshole.

  “As a matter of fact,” I say, grabbing my purse and standing next to the table, “I happen to love “Weekend at Bernie’s”. My cousin Morgan and I can recite half that damn movie and I’m not ashamed of it. As for “The Muppets Take Manhattan”, it is one of my very favorite films from childhood and I’d be ashamed to date any man who thought it ridiculous. The Muppets are an American institution, one that should be celebrated, not mocked. You could learn a thing or two from men like Jason Segel--,”

  Abram interrupts me sarcastically, “You mean the idiot who developed the new Muppet Movie? Are you serious? That guy’s a joke.”

  “You know, for someone who wants to write a hit screenplay some day, you have an extraordinarily limited view on what is acceptable and what is not.”

  “It’s called having taste. Let me guess, you probably love to see Jennifer Aniston ‘rom-coms’ with your girlfriends, don’t you? You probably love those hideously developed plotlines. Wake up Daphne, get a clue.”

  “Oh, I’m awake, Abram. And I’ve already gotten my clue. It’s obvious that you are a snob, plain and simple, and you have no respect for other people’s tastes or opinions. Because of that, I will be leaving now. Thank you for the drink and the enlightening discussion on films.”

  “Seriously, you’re leaving because I don’t like your taste in movies? Or should I say your lack of taste in movies,” he laughs again to himself. He is ridiculously smug.

  “Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I am. And my parting words to you will be from another one of my favorite movies that I’m sure you despise...’Pardon my French, but you’re an asshole!’ Good night, Abram.”

  “Ferris? Did you seriously just quote Ferris Bueller?”

  “You’d better believe it. This “Rocky” loving, Bernie reciting, Muppet fan has quoted Ferris Bueller. I hope you are able to find the right girl, Abram, because she sure as hell ain’t me!”

  And with that, I proudly make my way towards the exit of the pub. Our waitress pulls me aside as I’m nearing the oak of the bar.

  “Girl, that was awesome. That guy is a total dick. He comes in here all the time with dates, but I never see him with the same girl more than once. I always thought he was a bit of a player. But, after overhearing the tail end of your conversation, I realize it’s because he’s just a jerk and no one can stand to go out with him more than once!”

  “Thanks,” I smile, genuinely grateful for the reinforcement that I didn’t overreact. Abram really is an asshole.

  “I would suggest you come back another night and meet some of our regulars, but unfortunately your hipster, holier-than-thou date seems to always be here.”

  “That’s sweet of you. Just between you and me, I’ve been on two really bad dates in the last few weeks. I think I’m ready to throw in the towel.”

  “No, don’t. You’re really adorable, and I think your taste in movies is awesome. My name is Mallory, by the way. Come in some other time and I’ll buy you a drink, introduce you to some nice guys who won’t insult you.”

  “I’m Daphne. Thanks for being the tiny silver lining in my storm cloud of a date.”

  “Anytime! We girls need to stick together against jackasses like him. Want me to spill a drink in his lap? I’ve done it before. I’m really good at making things like that look like accidents.” Mallory’s grin is devilish but sweet.

  “No, that’s alright. Let’s let him sit there all by himself with nothing but his snobbery to keep him company. My couch is waiting for me at home. I think I’ll indulge in a cheesy romantic comedy just to spite the asshole.” I laugh, hug my new friend and leave the bar.

  Once again, Morgan calls as I’m driving home. After sharing a few details of my horrendous date, I tell her to meet me at my apartment so I can fill her in on Asshole #2. She shows up at my door with an assortment of Jennifer Aniston romantic comedies (all of which I’ve seen several times).

  “Let’s do it up right, girl.” She smiles, referring to her stack of movies, “And after these, we’ve got to watch Weekend at Bernie’s in order to properly celebrate you walking out on that fucker!”

  Popping in the DVD, I’m grateful for Morgan and Mallory. Dating is going to be tough, but at least these jerks have been a distraction from my sadness. I can only hope that soon I’ll meet someone who will actually matter to me. Deep down I know I deserve to meet someone who will make me feel as sexy, as beautiful and as loved as Mayson had…perhaps even more.

  Chapter 21


  “Ugh,” I groan to myself, looking at the clock. “Two more class periods to go.” Even though I know I should be
utilizing my lunch period as productively as possible, I find myself lurking in my email box. Just as I’m about to log off and get some grading done, I notice an email pop up in my inbox. It’s from a familiar name, Matt Renbeck, Morgan’s boyfriend.

  Hi Daphne

  I was hoping that you could do me a huge favor. I’d like you to help me choose a ring for Morgan---that’s right, I’m planning to propose! I have no idea what she’d like, though. You know her better than anyone.....will you please help me?



  “Holy crap!” I think to myself. Morgan is getting engaged, and I get to help pick the ring. Excitement boils up in my chest as I quickly type a reply to Matt telling him that I’d be honored to assist him, knowing that my cousin will absolutely say yes. And now, I’m feeling the pressure to find the right cut, style, etc. for her ring. Wow, this is going to be tough, but I’m up for the challenge!

  I’m so thrilled for Morgan that the rest of my day flies by quickly. I spend the rest of my plan period searching for rings on the internet, remembering Morgan’s desire for a solitaire diamond in a platinum setting. I’m certain that Matt and I can find something stunning.

  Luckily, Matt and I are able to schedule our shopping excursion for the very next day. Keeping secrets has never been a talent of mine and I’m utterly relieved that he kept Morgan busy the night before so that I would not have to put on my best poker face.

  “You know, you’ll have to keep the secret even after we find the ring, right Daphne?” Matt asks, nervous. It’s obvious he thinks I’ll crack under pressure.

  “I know,” I say, trying my best to reassure him, “But, at least once you purchase the ring, I can relax. I’m so excited right now I can hardly stand it.”

  “Oh good. I was worried this would be awkward for you. Because of, well, you know...”

  Hesitating briefly before speaking, I take a deep breath, trying my best not to cry. “It is a little awkward after seeing Mayson’s ring. But, my happiness for Morgan means so much more. Just bear with me if I start to cry in the jewelry stores, okay?”

  Matt cringes and I laugh nervously, “I promise it won’t last long. My emotions seem to get the better of me whenever I think of him.”

  “Look, Daphne. I know I only met the guy once, but I have to say I wasn’t that impressed. He seemed, I don’t know...” Matt’s brow furrows and he breaks our eye contact, clearly conflicted.

  “What? How did he seem, Matt? I’m interested to hear a male perspective.”

  “I don’t know, Daph.” Matt’s frown deepens, “He just didn’t seem good enough for you. You seemed kind of ill at ease around him. I’m so used to seeing you as such a jokester with Morgan and all of your friends. You weren’t like that around him. He was kind of a buzz kill.”

  Wow, struck by Matt’s words, I feel stunned. Matt is normally the laid back, never-has-strong opinions about stuff, kind of guy. But, clearly he had a strong impression of Mayson, and quite an undesirable one at that.

  “I’m sorry, Daphne. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But, I know how much Morgan wants you to be happy with someone who really loves you.”

  “And Morgan doesn’t think Mayson loved me?” Tears are forming and beginning to stream down my face. Matt looks like he’s ready to run as far away from me as possible.

  “I don’t know how to answer that, Daphne. I think we just agreed that something was off with the guy. That’s all. I’m really sorry that I brought it up. You’re doing me such a favor and I feel awful that I brought you back to that nightmare.”

  “To be honest, it would’ve happened the second they pulled the first ring out of the case. At least, this way, I can try to get my crying over with instead of freaking out the salespeople.” Matt and I share an uncomfortable laugh. “Look, this day is not about Mayson. It’s about you, Morgan and your future together. Let’s not go backwards anymore tonight. Instead, let’s move forward.”

  “Alright, let’s do this,” Matt says, taking a deep breath and offering me his arm. I wipe the last few tears off my cheeks and smile up at him.

  The jewelry store Matt has selected is intimidating. Several salespeople are standing nearby and each of them turn their attention quickly towards us as we enter the store. We find ourselves seated in front of a large case of platinum engagement rings. I share Morgan’s preferences with a saleswoman named Lisa who immediately begins pulling ring after ring out of the case. Matt’s face becomes increasingly pale as several rings sit before him.

  “Take a deep breath, Matt. We’re going to find the right one.” I reassure him, patting his arm softly.

  “So, tell me about your girlfriend,” Lisa says, “Sometimes it helps me to find the right ring.”

  “Well, she’s, so awesome,” Matt says, color returning to his cheeks as he thinks of Morgan. Lisa winks at me. “She’s sweet and beautiful and the sassiest chick on the planet. She’s really loyal and fun and I’m incredibly lucky.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Lisa replies.

  “I’ve been planning to do this for a while. In fact, I should’ve done it months ago and I’m not sure what was holding me back. But, I don’t want to let any more time go by.” Looking at Matt with true admiration, I notice his eyes are slowly glossing over as he thinks about Morgan and his commitment to her. I wish I could record this moment in time for Morgan as I know she’d love to see it.

  After two hours looking at rings from three different shops, we find ourselves back at the first shop with Lisa our saleswoman. Matt keeps focusing his attention back to two similar bands. Both have large solitaire diamonds on platinum settings, but one is a true solitaire with sculpting in the band. The other has a gorgeous, unique border around the diamond which reminds me so much of Morgan. It’s striking yet whimsical, not your average engagement ring. My gut tells me that Morgan will fall in love instantly when Matt places this exquisite band on her finger.

  “This is the ring, Matt,” I say with complete confidence.

  “I was hoping you would say that. I couldn’t agree more. Both of these rings are really nice, Lisa. But, this is the one. This is the one that I can see on her finger.” Matt is beaming with pride as he hands the band to Lisa.

  “Congratulations. We can have it ready for you in the next week if you’d like to purchase it now.”

  “Absolutely, I stole one of her rings from her apartment so that you could size it properly.” Matt says proudly.

  “Excellent,” Lisa nods as she proceeds with the sale. Matt breathes a sigh of relief and I bask in his excitement, pushing down my feelings of sadness. Several of the rings we viewed looked so much like the ring Cece gave to me. But, now that the shopping is complete, I feel drained and need to retreat to the comforts of home in order to find solace. Tonight was a reminder of how wounded I still am.

  Chapter 22


  “I don’t understand why you won’t give the guy a chance. He’s been interested in you for so long. Give him a break!” Morgan yells at me.

  “Morgan, I’m embarrassed. That morning, when I found Evan in my bed, I regretted it instantly. All I wanted to do was be with Mayson again. I practically pushed him out the door. How on earth could I possibly start dating him now? He’ll think I’m only with him because Mayson is, well, no longer in the picture.” I still can’t articulate the words. I still can’t acknowledge verbally that Mayson has died.

  “Well, when you say it like that, yes, it does sound pretty bad. But, he knows all of this and yet he’s still interested in you. He asked about calling you, but he wants to give you time to grieve.”

  “That’s really nice,” I say, pursing my lips together, grateful for Evan’s obvious forgiveness.

  “I don’t get it, Daphne. That night at the bar, you were open to the possibility that Evan was your soul mate, that he was the one Kim told you about. But, the moment you woke up, you went right back to Mayson.”

  “It was just the alcohol, Morg
an. I was being ridiculous.”

  “Maybe,” she shrugs. “But, then again, maybe you’re afraid, Daphne.”

  “Afraid? Of Evan? That’s ridiculous.”

  “No, afraid of something that might actually work out. He likes you and you like him. It’s easy, it works and it could lead somewhere. Mayson was difficult. Perhaps you were drawn to that.”

  “You think I liked being treated poorly? You think I liked the crazy ups and downs?” I ask incredulously, bordering on tears.

  “Don’t get upset, Daphne. I’m not saying you liked it. I’m saying you might be afraid of actually finding your soul mate, of actually finding the right guy. Maybe you’re not ready for the next step.”

  “Are you?” I ask, “Are you ready for the next step with Matt?”

  “Yes, I am. If you asked me that same question six months ago, my answer may have been different. Am I saying that Evan is definitely the one for you? No. I have no idea. But, I do know that you two were drawn to each other that night and there’s no harm in seeing if there is something there. I’m asking you to give it one date, just one little date. Forgive yourself for the one night stand and let the man take you out to dinner.”

  “Alright, give me his number and I’ll call him.”

  “Good girl,” Morgan smiles, writing his number down on a post-it note.

  That night, I pull out the bright pink post-it, take a deep breath and dial Evan’s number. He picks up right away.

  “Hello?” he says expectantly.

  “Hi, Evan, it’s Daphne Harper.”

  “Hey, Daphne. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking. I got your number from Morgan. I hope that’s alright.”

  “Oh yeah, sure that’s okay. I’m glad to hear from you. I was hoping you would call sometime. But, I know you’ve had a rough go of it lately. I’m sorry about everything that happened to you.”