Bouquet Toss Read online

Page 13

  “Wow, thanks. I wasn’t sure if it would be alright to call, you know, after how I behaved. I’m sorry, Evan. I’m not normally like that.”

  “I know. I’ve paid attention since I first met you. You’re a nice girl, Daphne. I know you were dealing with the hand you’d been dealt. No worries.” He’s so carefree, so quick to forgive. It’s nice.

  “Well, I was wondering if we could start fresh. Maybe grab dinner sometime?”

  “I’d like that, Daphne. In fact, I have an extra ticket for the House of Blues this Saturday night. My buddy blew me off and left me hanging. I’d hate to go alone. Do you like the Black Keys? They’re one of my favorites!”

  “That sounds awesome. I could use a fun night out.”

  “It’s settled then. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 and we’ll head down for the show.” I hang up the phone and smile. I’m definitely looking forward to my evening with the laid back, understanding Evan.

  Evan arrives right on time, looking just as I remember him, trimmed short brown hair, hazel eyes, a chiseled chin and defined features. He really is attractive and the idea of another shot with him is becoming more and more desirable by the minute.

  “You look great, Daphne. It’s really good to see you again.”

  “Thanks, right back ‘atcha! Shall we go?”

  Evan and I have no trouble making small talk as we drive downtown to the House of Blues. He smiles frequently at me and I notice an exceptionally cute little dimple on his left cheek. He’s so confident, so attractive and easy to be around. Still, as attractive as I find Evan, I’m not feeling any sort of electricity. Perhaps it’s all of the inept feelings that have surrounded me since that morning we said goodbye at my back door. Deep down I wonder if it could be more but, I worry we are just incompatible and no amount of drunken sexual attraction can fix that.

  We arrive at the House of Blues right as The Black Keys take the stage.

  “Come on, Daphne. Let’s do what we do best. Dance with me,” Evan says, with a sly smile. My heart skips a beat. I’m sober and not feeling attracted to him like I did the last time we joined each other on a dance floor.

  Evan studies my face and sighs, “No, I didn’t mean that. We did actually do some dancing the last time we were together. Come on, dance with me!” He teases and extends his hand to me. I relax and join him on the dance floor.

  We laugh and dance as we listen to the music. He sings many of the lyrics aloud as he twirls me around, his strong hands making only chaste movements toward me. I can tell he’s trying to prove a point. He isn’t looking for a dance floor make out session. Knowing this, my body language changes and I’m free to be myself, to relax with him, swaying my hips to the music and singing along to the lyrics as I learn them. Evan raises my arms above me, swaying from side to side and I find myself laughing harder than I have in months. I’m having fun for the first time in so long. I wish I could bottle up this feeling and keep it forever. Endorphins stream through my body as we dance to song after song.

  Hours later, Evan suggests stopping for a drink on our way back to the suburbs.

  “It was so loud in there, Daphne. We didn’t really get a chance to hang out and chat. Plus, I’m thirsty as hell. How about it? You up for a nightcap?”

  “Definitely,” I nod, not ready for our night to be over, the buzz of the club still lingering in my limbs. Even if I tried to go home and go to sleep, I wouldn’t be able to. One more drink won’t hurt.

  Shortly after sitting down at the bar and ordering our drinks, Evan surprises me by bringing up the one topic I had thought he’d avoid.

  “So, tell me about him,” he says, giving me a knowing smile.

  Taken aback, I reply, “Who?” But, I know exactly to whom he is referring.

  “You know…the guy.” Evan smiles warmly, attempting to ease my obvious anxiety over the topic at hand.

  “Mayson?” He nods in reply. “Well, I’m not really sure what to tell you. He was very important to me, but he also hurt me quite a bit, left a lot of mental scars. I’m trying my best to move on, but it’s complicated.”

  “I understand. I’ve been burned before, too.” He nods as the bartender sets our drinks in front of us. Evan passes my sangria to me and clutches his bottle of Corona.

  “Really, who was she?” I ask before taking a sip of the fruity wine.

  “Her name was Kate. God, I was so in love with that girl. We dated for about three years and I was working up the nerve to look at rings.” Evan spins his beer bottle, pursing his lips. “But, then she got really weird on me. She started to avoid me and was always making excuses not to stay over or spend time together. I’m sure you can probably guess what happened next.”

  “Was she cheating on you?” I ask, hoping I’m wrong.

  “You guessed it.” Evan says with a bit of an edge. He looks slightly uncomfortable as he continues to whirl his drink. His eyes are locked on mine.

  “So, you know what it feels like...” my voice lowers, finally understanding why Evan has been so patient with me. Why he has still wanted to be involved with me even after knowing all of the facts about Mayson.

  “Yep. You know, when I first left your apartment that morning, I was really put off. I didn’t understand why you shut down. I thought we had a really great time that night,” he blushes as he laughs, scratching the back of his head, showing me that adorable dimple on his cheek once again.

  “We did, Evan. It was such a fun night. I was in a really bad place and it just kept getting worse.”

  “I know, Daphne. Matt told me everything that was going on before I even approached you that night. I knew what I was getting into, believe me. I don’t blame you at all. I knew that you were a nice girl who happened to be wrapped up in a lot of deep emotional shit. I know what it’s like to have someone play with your emotions. Kate played with my heart for months before I finally discovered that she had moved on with someone else. I never understood why she didn’t just choose. She could have let me go before betraying me instead of making me feel like such a chump.”

  “I’m glad you’re opening up to me, Evan. You’re giving my conscience some much needed relief. I’ve felt terrible about how I treated you because I never wanted you to feel used.”

  “Nah,” he shakes his head, “No worries. Honestly, I’m a big boy.” He smiles, his hazel eyes a bit damp from the memories of Kate.

  “Listen, why don’t we forget about Kate and Mayson for the rest of the evening and just enjoy each other’s company?”

  “That sounds awesome, Daphne. I guess I needed you to know that I get it, I understand. I don’t want there to be any weirdness between us. I genuinely like you.”

  “I like you, too, Evan. And tonight was so much fun. You have no idea how much I needed it. I feel really comfortable with you, like we’ve known each other for a really long time.”

  “Wow, that was romantic, Daphne,” Evan says sarcastically, but with a warm smile that keeps me from feeling apprehensive.

  “What do you mean?” I press him.

  “Well, guys don’t want to be comfortable for a girl. We want to turn you on, make you tick, make you feel things. And, I have to admit that I’m not feeling that from you tonight.” His brow furrows a bit. And instantly, I’m remorseful for the lack of passion I feel towards this wonderful man.

  “Look, Daphne, it’s alright. Really, it is. To be honest, I’m really attracted to you. I think you’re gorgeous and you’re not even my type.” He laughs. I raise an eyebrow, wondering if I should feel offended. “What I mean is, I tend to date women who have a bit of an edge to them and most of the time it gets me into trouble.”

  “Ah ha,” I say, “Like Kate?”

  “Exactly,” he raises his beer. “You’re different, Daphne. You’re sweet and kind and so much fun to be around. But, I get it. We aren’t exactly made for one another.” He takes a swig of his beer and shrugs his shoulders.

  “But, I do love being around you.” I say, pleading a bit for more of
his company.

  “As do I, Daphne. Maybe we could try to be friends and see how it goes.”

  A huge grin crosses my face, “I would love that.”

  “Cool,” he says, tapping my glass with his beer bottle. “Now, let’s relax already and enjoy our drinks. How awesome was the band tonight? I’m so glad you were able to hear them live. And I can’t believe that was your first time at the House of Blues.”

  “Yep, it was. I’m a teacher, remember? I don’t get out much,” I tease.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Evan scrunches his forehead in disbelief, “Well, if you ever want to go see another band, you know who to call. Music is my addiction and I can’t get enough of live shows.”

  “I can see why. I haven’t felt that alive in a long time!” I nod.

  “It’s pretty thrilling, isn’t it?” He asks, his eyes widening. “I’ll make you some mixes, Daphne. I’ll introduce you to all of the local Chicago bands that are worth listening to. Then you can let me know if you want to see any of them live. I’ll be your music guru,” he chuckles.

  “Are you making fun of me, Evan?” I ask, not feeling any need to flirt. After all, we’ve decided to be friends and nothing more.

  “Yeah, a little bit,” he admits, “But, if we’re going to hang out, you’ll have to get used to that. It’s in my nature to tease, especially my friends. I don’t mean anything by it.”

  “Okay.” I smile, “I feel like I’m starting to understand you a lot better, Evan.”

  “Really?” he laughs, “well, let me know when you have me all figured out!”

  “I’ll do that,” I say, raising my glass.

  “Cheers,” we say in unison, and continue the evening with playful conversation. I’m no longer nervous or apprehensive around Evan and I’m hoping to continue this friendship. I don’t want to cling to my apartment. I want to experience things and live my life, even if Mayson is no longer with me. Even if I haven’t yet found my happily ever after, I need to keep living. I need to keep dancing.

  Chapter 23


  “So this is what married people do on the weekends, huh? Invite their friends over for dinner on their beautiful registered dishes?” Teasing Elise, I nudge her as she sets her dining room table.

  “This is our first official dinner party as a married couple. Henry and I are excited to have everyone here together tonight. Please try to go with the flow, Daph. There are some people who I would love for you to meet. One in particular, actually.”

  “And who might that be, dear friend?” It has been over a month since Morgan forced me out of my apartment and helped me to envision a future for myself that did not include Mayson. I’ve been hanging out occasionally with Evan but haven’t seen anyone romantically. I’m hoping that Elise has not been plotting my future behind my back since I’m not really sure I can handle any complications in my life. I’m enjoying being carefree and not having any expectations placed upon me at the end of the night.

  “His name is Tanner Finley. You may remember him. He was one of Henry’s groomsmen.” Instantly, I’m flooded with hazy pictures of the handsome Tanner. I recall his brown hair, goatee and rather sexy smile. I also remember, however, the disenchanted look on his face when I walked to the bar with Mayson, ignoring my promise to have a drink with him. As Elise begins to rattle off his qualifications as a potential boyfriend, I secretly hope to finally have that extremely belated drink. Suddenly, butterflies are flipping in my stomach, the good kind.

  Elise and Henry’s guests slowly arrive at the dinner party. I glance at the door each time I hear the bell, hoping Tanner will walk in, see me and smile as he did at the wedding. When he does enter, he’s not alone and my heart sinks. Why would Elise admit to setting me up with someone if he was already bringing a date?

  “That’s his sister, Maggie,” Elise whispers into my ear.

  “Geez, I had no idea you were even standing there, Elise,” I say, startled, but relieved that Tanner has arrived dateless. My nerves begin to settle.

  Elise gives me a knowing smile and walks back to the dining room to present a few of her guests with cocktails. Henry welcomes Tanner and Maggie into the living room area, where I happen to be standing, pretending to admire the countless silver picture frames from their big day. As I turn to sneak a peek at Tanner, I notice that he’s already looking at me. I blush as we make eye contact, embarrassed and stifled by my terrible behavior last summer. As much as I’d like to cross the room and re-introduce myself, I’m secretly terrified of being rejected by the handsome groomsman.

  Tanner smiles warmly at me before leading his sister into the dining room. My heart sinks as I feel the tiniest bit of rejection from this moment. Reminding myself that I have many hours in which to get to know Tanner, I casually ease my way over to a few of Elise’s girlfriends from work. They are pleasant and fun and immediately draw me into their conversation. I’m grateful for the distraction.

  “Hey Daphne,” Henry says approaching, “I’d like for you to meet my buddy, Tanner. Tanner, this is Daphne. She was one of Elise’s bridesmaids.”

  Tanner smiles as if he knows exactly what Henry is doing. Elise and Henry have never been known for their subtlety. “Yes, of course. Daphne, how are you?” Tanner leans forward and gives me a rather tight hug. His cologne is light and woodsy, almost like Mayson’s. I push that thought to the back of my head. I must stop thinking about him. I need to focus on the indisputably handsome man before me who’s giving me another chance when I so obviously blew him off last year.

  “I’m doing well. I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Really?” Tanner seems genuinely surprised.

  “Yes, I’d love to get that rain check we talked about at the wedding.”

  “Ah, you remembered.” He grins, “What are you drinking this evening?”

  “Surprise me,” I say, obviously flirting.

  “Okay, back in a sec,” he grins.

  Henry raises a knowing eyebrow as he walks away and I giggle softly to myself. I know Henry and Elise would love nothing more than to have Tanner and me as permanent guests at their dinner parties. But, I can’t get ahead of myself, especially with the dates I’ve had lately. I need to be cautious and get to know this guy first.

  A few minutes later, Tanner strolls back holding two delicious looking martinis in the glasses I had purchased for Elise’s bridal shower.

  “Elise said they are pomegranate martinis with a twist of lime. They sounded too good to pass up,” Tanner says, placing one glass in my hand.

  “Delicious,” I say, sipping Elise’s concoction.

  “So, Henry mentioned that you’re a teacher. That’s really cool, and junior high kids to boot. You deserve some kind of medal for dealing with all those hormones on a day to day basis!” Tanner laughs.

  “You don’t know the half of it. The stories I could tell. Believe me, they would make you cringe.”

  “I bet they would. I’m a software engineer, so I don’t deal with many hormonal situations in my line of work.”

  “A computer geek, huh?” I tease.

  “Guilty as charged,” Tanner laughs, raising his glass to me.

  “Well, that could come in handy. I’m terrible with computers.”

  “Ah, I get it. So, you’ll just string me along and then call me in the middle of the night to fix your hard drive, huh?” I love this effortless banter. Secretly I wonder if he meant something else by ‘hard drive.’

  “Of course,” I nod. “Don’t forget, I’ll also need help with my cell phone.”

  “We may be able to work something out,” Tanner smiles. His eyes are such a gorgeous brown with little specks of light green. I’m fascinated by them. After a moment of my blatant staring, Tanner seems self-conscious.

  “Do I have something on my face?” he laughs.

  “No, no. I was noticing your eyes. They’re really fascinating.”

  “Wow, pulling out the big guns, huh, Daphne? You beat me to the punch. I was going
to compliment your eyes later this evening.”

  “The night’s still young,” I raise my glass and smile. I’ve never had someone catch on to my sense of humor so quickly before. It’s fantastic and I find myself even more drawn to the handsome groomsman as we continue to joke lightheartedly over martinis.

  When dinner is served, Tanner and I walk together to the dining room. We are the last to arrive and my heart sinks as I notice the only two chairs at the dining table are nowhere near one another. Tanner pulls the first chair out for me to sit. He’s such a gentleman.

  “See you on the other side,” he whispers mischievously. I think I’m smitten.

  Somehow I manage to get through this dinner rather painlessly. Henry’s friend, Weston is seated beside me and he’s a pleasant guy. He cracks corny jokes and keeps me adequately entertained as we dine on Elise’s delicious meal. Every so often, I sneak a quick glance at Tanner while he’s talking with Maggie and Henry. Almost every time I look up, he’s glancing at me as well.

  The electricity that I feel between us is growing. We’re only a few feet away from one another, yet the distance is causing an unbearable amount of delicious tension. I’m so excited to speak with him again. I can’t wait to get a closer look at those gorgeous eyes. I find myself wanting to count those green specks.

  “Earth to Daphne,” I hear Weston say, using a cheesy astronaut voice. I’m snapped out of my Tanner infatuation and must rejoin the conversation. I glance up at Tanner who is chuckling softly to himself. My stomach flips excitedly as I return my attention to Weston who’s happy to regale me with more silly jokes. I smile obliging at my dinner companion, quietly yearning for the smarty pants at the other end of the table. Finally, the meal has ended and the dinner guests retreat with their dishes to the kitchen area.

  “That was the longest meal of my life,” Tanner’s voice is in my ear as I carry my plate to the kitchen. In a split second, the electricity increases.

  “Oh really?” I flirt. “Dinner conversation wasn’t the best?”