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Bouquet Toss Page 14

  “No, the conversation was fine, but I was hoping to talk more with you. And now that I finally have the chance, my sister isn’t feeling well and wants to head home. Unfortunately, I gave her a lift, so I’ll have to be going. Damn family.” He jokes.

  “That’s a shame,” I say, honestly disappointed that he’s leaving. I’m hoping he will ask for my number in the next few seconds.

  “So,” he asks, “I was wondering if you’re free next Saturday night.”

  A slow smile crosses my lips, “Nothing set in stone just yet.”

  “Would you like to join me for an evening out?” Tanner asks, leaning in closer. I entertain the thought of counting those green specks in his gorgeous eyes once more.

  “That sounds lovely.” Writing down my phone number on one of Elise’s refrigerator notepads, I smile at him affectionately. As much fun as our teasing banter has been, I want him to know that I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing him again.

  “So, it’s a date,” he smiles proudly. “It was really great to see you again, Daphne. Until Saturday, then?”

  He turns away, takes a few steps then heads back. “By the way,” he smiles, “I love your eyes. They’re as beautiful as the open sea.”

  I laugh, “Ah, so now who’s pulling out the big guns, Mr. Finley?”

  “Yeah, you stole my line earlier. But, I had to tell you before leaving. They really are lovely.” He takes my hand in his for just a second before turning away.

  As Tanner walks out of the kitchen, he turns back and gives me a small wave. For the first time all evening, I notice that he’s blushing. Elise leans in close to me, puts her head on my shoulder and says, “Told ya.”

  Chapter 24


  “You’re really not going to tell me where we’re going tonight?” I giggle, turning my head towards Tanner as he smiles proudly to himself, like he’s holding all the secrets of the universe. Dusk is approaching and we’ve been driving in the car for what feels like hours, not that I’m complaining. I could do this all night.

  “No, I’m really not going to tell you. You’ll have to be patient,” he replies, patting my hand gently. His skin feels warm. “We’ll be there soon, though. I can tell you don’t do very well with anticipation.”

  “You’re right,” I laugh, “I’m the worst. I was the kid who would try to open my Christmas presents ahead of time and re-wrap them so my parents wouldn’t notice.”

  “You’re kidding, right? You’d go to all that trouble just to see what was under the tree?”

  “Yep. You said it yourself; I don’t do well with anticipation.”

  “I’m starting to think that was a giant understatement,” Tanner teases. His brown eyes are captivating me once again and I find myself staring at him for the remainder of the ride.

  A few minutes later, he pulls the car up to a small park. Still intrigued, I’m not sure what to think.

  “Oh, I love playgrounds!” I tease, “But, I must warn you, I get sick on the merry-go-round.”

  “Not so fast, Daphne, I have to grab a few things from the trunk first.” He thinks he’s so clever. Well, maybe he is.

  Strolling confidently to the back of his Jeep, he opens the trunk and retrieves an old fashioned picnic basket, a checkered blanket and a grocery sack. Goosebumps rise on my arms as I wonder what’s inside them. Trying to conceal my excitement, I follow Tanner to the open field behind the playground.

  “Will you help me with this?” Tanner asks, handing me one end of the checkered blanket.

  “It’s the least I can do.” I smile, “So....what’s in the basket, Mr. Finley?”

  “Hmm, I’m thinking I should make you wait a bit now that you’ve revealed your true nature. Making you wait could be so much fun,” he smirks. I do my best to pout dramatically and he smiles. “Okay, okay! I see you’re bringing out the big guns once again. Have a seat, and I’ll show you.” Giggling, I pounce on the blanket so I’m seated next to the large wicker basket.

  Tanner opens the top of the basket and places two plates on the blanket, followed by wine glasses and several small plastic containers filled with cheese, grapes, and bread.

  Finally, Tanner places a bottle of wine on the blanket and I practically swoon. Observing my reaction to the bottle of Moscato di Asti, my absolute favorite, he looks sheepish and a bit uncomfortable.

  “I have a confession to make,” he says, gazing thoughtfully into my eyes, “I knew that Moscato was your favorite wine. It wasn’t some lucky guess or an act of fate or anything like that.”

  “A-ha, so you gathered intel?” I grin, “I’m guessing Elise is responsible for this?”

  “Yep. I’d never even heard of it. The plan was not to confess and instead pretend it was my favorite. I’m a terrible liar, though, and didn’t want to impress you under any false pretenses.”

  “You did impress me, though,” I reassure him.

  “Really? Even though I cheated a bit?”

  “Yep. I love that you cared enough to go to Elise. I think that’s awesome.” I’m having trouble containing my enthusiasm. “No one has ever done that for me before. I know it may seem like something minor, but trust me when I say that it’s not.”

  Tanner takes my hand, raises it to his lips and plants a delicate kiss on the tips of my fingers. My pulse quickens and my mouth starts to feel dry as my nerve endings dance. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this, it’s a bit unsettling. I resist the urge to pull my hand away. Heat is gathering at my fingertips and flooding the rest of my body. I’m aching for him to kiss me, to stroke my hair and caress my neck. His gentle, simple gesture has sent me into a beautiful frenzy. Every bit of my body is yearning for him. Who knew a computer geek could be so hot?

  “Okay, are you ready for rapid fire dating questions?” My confidence is growing and I’m eager to know about my handsome date.

  “Go for it,” he sits up, giving me his undivided attention.

  “Favorite movie?”

  “Say Anything.”

  “Seriously? I love that movie so much,” I’m practically gushing. I can’t believe Tanner loves one of my all-time favorite movies, usually deemed a chick-flick. Abram would be horrified.

  “Yeah, I guess I’m a big sap. I think it’s a great movie. I love the boom-box scene where he’s standing outside her window. John Cusack, who’s my favorite actor by the way, really nails it.”

  “I agree,” I smile. Wow, this guy is getting under my skin.

  “So much for rapid fire questions,” Tanner teases as he pops a grape into his mouth, snapping me back to reality and to the task at hand.

  “Oh, right, sorry. Okay, favorite book?”

  “1984,” he says confidently.

  “George Orwell, huh? I love that book as well. I’m a dystopia junkie.”

  “Wow, we have something else in common, Miss Harper.”

  “Yep. All right, stop distracting me! Favorite band?”

  “The Rolling Stones,” he says matter-of-factly. “Paint it Black is my all-time favorite song.”

  “Ahh, so you have a dark side, too?” Shamelessly flirting with my date, I can’t help myself. His answers are blowing me away.

  “Favorite way to spend an evening?” I ask.

  “Um, I’d say a picnic with a beautiful woman sounds like the perfect evening to me.” Tanner answers, handing me a slice of cheese and a handful of grapes.

  We sip the wine, nibbling on the cheese and bread while laughing again and again. Telling one another ridiculous dating stories, I’m at a bit of a disadvantage since he’s friends with Henry and already knows some of my mishaps.

  “So, wait, hold on....” Tanner laughs, trying to catch his breath, “the guy sent you a YouTube video of Van Halen?”

  “Yep, he sent me the “Hot for Teacher” video. He was hoping it would score him a date.”

  “Well, did it?”

  “Nope,” I state proudly.

  “Good girl,” Tanner nods, seemingly reassure
d by my taste in men.

  “Well, the YouTube video isn’t the reason that I turned him down.”

  “Oh, really? I’m intrigued. Please tell, what was the reason, dear Daphne?”

  “He was divorced and he had four kids. I’m not ready to be the mother of one, let alone the stepmother to four! It was way too much pressure at the time.”

  “Oh wow. Yeah, I’m thinking you may have dodged a bullet on that one.” Tanner nods. Just then, my cell phone dings. Glancing quickly, I see Cece has sent me a text. I quickly put my cell phone away.

  “It’s ok. You can read your message,” Tanner says reassuringly.

  “Nah, it can wait.” A bit shaken, I try to refocus my attention completely on my date, “So, tell me, Tanner. What’s the craziest thing a girl ever did to be with you?”

  “Hmm, believe it or not, I’m drawing a blank. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my share of dates and even a few girlfriends. But, I’ve never had anyone chase me around. Computer guys aren’t exactly known for making the ladies swoon.”

  “Well, I’m swooning.” Raising my eyebrow, I look him straight in the eye.

  “Are you?” Tanner asks with a sexy smile.

  “Yep, big time. This is a very romantic first date, you know.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” He is so confident. I love it. “Turn around. It’s time for the sunset.”

  I turn just in time to see the glowing orange sun sinking slowly into the clearing. It’s gorgeous and unbelievably romantic. Tanner wraps a small blanket over my shoulders, slides in next to me and takes my hand in his. When I turn to smile at him, he kisses me softly on the lips. My chest flutters. I’m tired of the polite kisses, I want more. A lot more.

  Eventually, the sun has set completely and the twilight sky is nearing darkness. Just as I mentally prepare for the end of our picnic, Tanner reaches into his bag and pulls out several candles. Smiling wide, he shrugs his shoulders, “Citronella, to keep the bugs away. I’m not quite ready to let you go. When was the last time you looked up at a sky full of stars?”

  Tanner carefully lights all of the candles and places them carefully around our blanket. He lies down and I follow his lead, placing my head next to his. We’re so close that I wonder if he can hear the thunderous thumping of my heart. He places his hand into mine, threading our fingers together tightly.

  We gaze at the stars for hours. Tanner points out several constellations to me and I’m captivated by his knowledge of the sky.

  “I was fascinated by the stars as a kid. I had a telescope in my room and everything. Maggie and I used to stare up at the heavens on clear summer nights.”

  “I think the stars are incredibly romantic,” I whisper, “I love that you know so much about them. I feel like I’m learning a little more about you.”

  “I’d like you to know a lot more about me…when you’re ready.”

  Puzzled by this response, I press him, “What do you mean, when I’m ready? What did I miss here?” I lean up on my elbows and stare into his eyes, expectantly.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything. But, this night has been...well, it’s been pretty incredible. I want to make sure that we move at a pace that works for you and I know you’ve been through a lot this past year, Daphne. I don’t want to mess anything up.”

  “Oh,” I say, taken aback, “So, you know about Mayson?”

  “Yes, Henry told me. He wanted to make sure I was careful, you know, with your feelings. And, he was right. So, we’ll take it slow. Just know that I like you, a lot, and I’d love to keep seeing you.”

  “I like you a lot too, Tanner. You really don’t need to worry about me, though. I’m a big girl. Yes, Mayson put me through a lot. And it was incredibly painful to lose him in the way that I did, but I’m doing my best to move past it.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “No, I’m impressed that you brought it up. I love that you are straightforward and you say what you are feeling. I used to be like that, too. It’s refreshing.”

  “You used to be? What made you change?”

  “Well, let’s just say that Mayson didn’t appreciate brutal honesty.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, just so we’re clear, I do. I would much rather we talk things through openly, without holding back, than to have unspoken things fester between us. I’ve always lived my life that way and I really don’t have any plans to change.”

  “I’ll work on it,” I promise. “Habits can be hard to break sometimes.”

  “Ok, now lie back down and let’s look at some stars. It looks like the fireflies are coming out.”

  “Oh, I love lightning bugs.”

  “Lightning bugs?” Tanner asks incredulously before laughing hysterically.

  “You heard me. What’s so funny?” All of a sudden, I remember Citizen Ass, Abram, laughing at me and I cringe. I don’t want to be with another guy who takes pleasure in thinking less of me.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve never heard that term before. It’s cute, very endearing,” he grins and instantly I remember that he is nothing like Abram. Relaxing and regaining my confidence, I tease him in return.

  “Well, you, Mr. Finley, must’ve been raised under a rock. Everyone in the Chicago area knows they’re called lightning bugs.”

  “Well, that explains it. I grew up in Michigan. I relocated when I was offered a job at my company. I’ve been living here for about five years.”

  “Well, you’re a Chicagoan now, so you had better get used to calling them by their proper name.” I tease.

  “Fireflies,” he nods assertively, giving me an irresistible smile that I’m pretty sure will be my undoing.

  “Alright, alright, I give in,” I put my hands over my head in surrender.

  “You’re incredibly sexy, you know that?” Tanner asks quietly, his cheeks redden slightly.

  “No, I don’t,” I say, taken aback at this sudden compliment.

  “It’s true. You’ve got to be the sweetest and sexiest woman I have ever had the pleasure to watch lightning bugs with.”

  “Ah ha, you said it properly!” I laugh, throwing back my head in delight. I turn to face my date and before I know it, Tanner is kissing me. Not a soft, delicate kiss like earlier in the evening, but a hungry kiss full of desire. His hands cup my cheeks as I ease effortlessly into his embrace. His touch feels so natural, as if we’ve been doing this for years. Tanner’s tongue enters my mouth and every nerve in my body stands hungrily at attention. His kisses are graceful, deliberate and smooth. My toes tingle as he presses me into the checkered blanket, our legs twisted together in a beautiful, private knot. His hands thread through my hair seductively as he continues to kiss my lips, my chin, my throat. I slip my hands underneath his polo shirt and he moans softly into the crook of my neck.

  Just as his hands wander underneath my cotton tunic, my phone rings, startling us both. I recognize the ring tone, even though I haven’t heard it in months. It’s Cece...again. First a text and now a phone call. I haven’t seen or heard from Cece since we met at the coffee shop months prior to this night. Something must be wrong.

  “I’m so sorry, Tanner. This might be an emergency. I should take it.”

  “Of course,” Tanner says, out of breath. He looks flustered.

  “I’ll be right back.” Tanner nods and hands me a candle.

  “So you can find your way back,” he whispers.

  I offer a weak smile, guilt flooding me as I answer the phone. I’m walking away from my gorgeous and thoughtful date in order to talk to the mother of my ex-boyfriend. Something does not add up. But, I must take the call.

  “Cece, hi.”

  “Daphne, I’m so sorry, is this a bad time?” Cece asks quizzically.

  “Well, I’m...not at home at the moment. Are you alright?” I can’t handle telling Cece that I’m on a date, the first date that I’ve enjoyed since losing her son. I feel guilty, as if somehow my dating Tanner and moving on might cause her pain.

  “Oh no,
dear, I’m fine. I’ve been thinking about you so much and finally decided that I needed to get in touch,” my body calms as I hear these words, knowing she’s alright. This bond I feel towards Cece is unexplainable, yet so strong.

  I glance back at Tanner who is drinking another glass of wine and running his fingers through his hair. His brow is furrowed in concern and I know he’s worried. But, as guilty as I feel for leaving him on the picnic blanket alone, I’m so relieved to hear Cece’s voice.

  “Well, I’m so glad that you did. I felt terrible with how we left things.”

  “Oh, Daphne, you have no idea what that means to me. This may seem strange, but I feel such a connection with you. Perhaps it’s what we went through together, losing our Mayson. I don’t know, but I just called to say that I’m here if you ever need me. I care for you deeply, almost as if we’ve known each other for years. Is that terribly strange?”

  “Well, maybe, but I don’t care,” I laugh, tears filling my eyes. “I feel the same way. Listen, I do have to go, but I will call tomorrow and we can catch up.”

  “Fantastic,” I can tell she is smiling on the other end of the line. “You take care now.”

  “You do the same, Cece.”

  “Oh, and Daphne, thanks for answering my call. I wasn’t sure that you would after, well, after the cafe.”

  “I’ll always answer. I will speak to you tomorrow.”

  Walking back to Tanner, a spectrum of emotion floods through my brain. Cece referred to Mayson as “our Mayson.” How could I possibly tell her about Tanner? How could I tell her that he intrigues me in a way that no one else has since her son? I can’t. If she asks about my love life, I’ll have to lie. I must protect her feelings. She’s been through enough.

  “Is everything alright?” Tanner’s concerned eyes find mine.

  “Yes, everything is fine. I’m sorry about that,” I try my best to sound casual.

  “No emergency then?” I can tell Tanner is fishing for information and I can’t blame him. We were in the middle of an extremely hot make out session and I stopped to take a phone call. Pangs of guilt shoot through me, knowing I may have hurt Tanner’s feelings, and possibly his ego.