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Page 23

  “Oh Morgan,” I practically sob as I pull her towards me, “I can’t thank you enough. I’m so lucky to have you. You know me so well, don’t you?”

  “Yep, I do.” She says, satisfied with her crafty little self.

  “Thanks for not giving up on me,” I whisper into her ear.

  “Never.” She smiles.


  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  My husband smiles appreciatively at the man of the cloth. He then grins playfully before lifting the ivory veil over my head. His kiss is gentle and loving, yet satisfying in a way that no other kiss has been in my life thus far. After our kiss is forcibly ended, knowing we have a chapel full of people in the audience, my husband reluctantly pulls away but holds each of my hands tightly in his own.

  “Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Finley,” the pastor announces. Rousing applause fills the chapel as I lift my bouquet up in the air in celebration. Smiling at Tanner, I say, “We did it!”

  Tanner lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it ever so gently before placing it over his heart. His eyes moisten and he smiles. “Yes, we did.” His simple words send a chill of delight down my spine and I do my best to hold back the tears, but one slips by and drifts down the side of my nose. Tanner wipes the tear gracefully with his handkerchief.

  Our road to the altar was not all sunshine and roses. We had obstacles to overcome, misunderstandings to resolve and ghosts to evict. But, we did it. And I am overwhelmed at the amount of happiness this man brings to my life. I don’t ever want to know what it feels like to be without Tanner Finley.

  As we turn to face our friends and family, my eyes search for the one invited guest who did not send in a reply card. I’m not sure if she will be here, but I am hoping to see her, to feel her support as I embark on the next chapter of my life with Tanner. As we continue to walk towards the doors of the church, my heart sinks just a bit knowing she was unable to be here to see this moment. But, I understand. Some things are just too hard.

  As we’re nearing the end of the chapel, however, I see her. She is seated at the far end of the pew and she is smiling, tears streaming down her face. Taking both of her hands, she forms a ‘V’ and blows me a kiss. And I know, in this moment I have her blessing.

  I place my hand over my heart and I mouth, “Thank you, Cece.” She nods in solidarity. Deep down, I know she will not be staying for the reception. This is her goodbye to me.

  Tanner rubs the side of my arm and waves to Cece. So proud of the man I have just married, of the man who has accepted me with all of my faults, all of my baggage, all of my links to the past. I glide my hand across his cheek when we reach the foyer of the church.

  “You are truly incredible, Mr. Finley. I’m so proud to be your wife.”

  “I can’t wait to start our lives together, Daphne.”

  “Ahem.” I tilt my head accusingly at Tanner. He knows what to say next.

  “I’m so sorry....Mrs. Finley.”

  “That’s much better,” I tease. “Now, let’s get to that party of ours.”

  Four hours later, the cake has been cut, the open bar is about to close, and it is time for the bouquet toss. Standing on the dance floor, holding my gorgeous bundle of red roses, each adorned with a pearl in its center, I smile to myself. My life has changed considerably since I caught my first bridal bouquet. I never dreamed that I’d be standing here today, the happiest I’ve ever been, with an incredible man, an incredible partner with whom I am prepared to share my life. The young women gather on the other side of the dance floor and I look at each of their faces, remembering my own emotions at each of the weddings I attended in my early adulthood.

  Tanner’s cousin, Mindy, looks nervous. She is here with her boyfriend of several years and I know she would be thrilled to catch these roses. My eyes wander and find my co-worker, Samantha, rolling her eyes. She was pushed onto the dance floor by the rest of the women at her table. All at once, I understand both of these women as I’ve experienced every emotion there is to have in regards to this silly tradition.

  While planning the wedding, I suggested that we cut this from the reception’s activities convinced that somehow, it would bounce off of the ceiling and land back in my own hands. But, Morgan, Elise and my mother were having none of that. “It’s a right of passage,” my mother said.

  “And after everything, you need to toss the shit out of that thing,” Morgan added. And so I agreed.

  The crowd erupts as I toss the bouquet. Mindy scoops that sucker up with an enormous grin. She does a small victory dance before presenting it to her boyfriend, Troy. Troy rolls his eyes, but puts his arm around her as he turns back to me. He winks in my direction as he pats the pocket of his suit. I gasp with happiness, knowing Mindy is about to become engaged.

  Next up is the garter toss. The groomsmen seat me in a chair and Tanner kneels before me, a naughty grin in his eye. He gently raises my dress up over my knees and pushes it further to reveal my powder blue garter. He removes it seductively with his teeth. I hear my Dad yell, “Hey, that’s my daughter out there!” and the crowd laughs. Tanner turns to my dad and gives an innocent shrug. I move off the dance floor and watch as Tanner tosses my bit of lingerie. Evan catches the garter, looking shocked as it lands square in his hands. I point to him as I jump up and down, so happy for my friend.

  “Looks like the curse continues here,” I tease as he gives me a big hug. He shakes hands with Tanner and pats him warmly on the back. Tanner grins at his new friend, our friend, Evan.

  “You know, my friend Samantha is single.” I gesture discreetly towards the young woman with flowing blond hair and deep sapphire eyes.

  “And cute,” Evan says, wide-eyed, staring at my co-worker.

  “Go for it, buddy,” Tanner laughs, patting him on the shoulder, giving him a bit of a nudge towards Samantha. Evan lets out a hearty laugh and saunters up to Samantha. She looks pleasantly surprised by his approach and nods her head as he gestures towards the bar. I smile at Tanner, wondering if we’ve made a love connection.

  Before I can say anything about our two friends at the bar, Tanner pulls me onto the dance floor. We sway together to song after song. My shoes are now off and I am starting to yawn. It has been a long, yet perfect day.

  “So, was it everything you had hoped for, Daphne?” Tanner asks, pushing a few stray hairs away from my face. Even this small touch makes my heart soar.

  “You are everything I had hoped for, Tanner. I thought you’d never arrive...and even when you did, I almost couldn’t see it. I—“

  “Daph, sweetheart, don’t do this to yourself. I’m here now and I am yours...always. We’re past all of that. It took some time, but it was worth it,” Tanner smiles.

  Where have I heard those words before? Lost in thought, I search my memory for the moment when I first heard that sentiment: “He brings you peace and a tremendous amount of happiness, although you may not realize it when the relationship begins. It will take some time, but it will be worth it for you, for him, for both of you. He is the one I see.”

  “Oh my god, Tanner! How could I have not realized this sooner? The psychic; you’re the one the psychic told me about!” I practically yell, jumping into his arms.

  “Daph, sweetheart, what are you talking about? When did you visit a psychic? I’m a little lost here.”

  “I’m sorry, let me explain. Morgan dragged me to a psychic when I first started seeing Mayson. Her name was Kim and she didn’t see me with Mayson, not in the future. She saw a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes. She said he would bring me immense happiness and peace.” My cheeks warm at this realization.

  “She was right, Tanner. She was so, so right.” Once again, my eyes fill with tears. I look into Tanner’s gorgeous speckled eyes and he is gazing at me in wonder and appreciation.

  “So, you mean to tell me that in all the time we were dating, you never mentioned that you belie
ve in psychics?” Tanner teases.

  “Well, I do now, that’s for sure!” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “So, don’t tell me, you’re now wondering if you should visit her with more questions like where will we live, how many children will we have, where will they go to school....”

  “Nope,” I shake my head with absolute certainty. “No need for that. Whatever the future has in store for us, we’ll take it as it comes. That’s all I need to know, Tanner. Besides, our children will be attending the University of Illinois. That’s obvious.”

  “Oh really?” Tanner raises an eyebrow, knowing I’m only teasing. “Well, I don’t know....I think my sons will want to follow me to U of M...”

  “Sons, as in plural?” I ask, playfully acting as if I am horrified.

  Tanner laughs, “Well, maybe we can have a girl or two as well.” He pulls me close, stroking my hair.

  “So, are you planning for me to be barefoot and pregnant immediately or will I have a grace period?” I joke.

  “We will be leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow. Should we get right to work?” Tanner raises his eyebrows with a sexy grin.

  “Or we could just practice,” I say, raising my eyebrow.

  “Well, you know what they say about practicing...”

  “What do they say, Mr. Finley?”

  “It’s a hell of a lot of fun.” He twirls me around the dance floor as I throw my head back in laughter. Once again, my husband makes me laugh in a way no one else ever has.

  “Will it always be this way? Will you always make me laugh like this?”

  Suddenly serious, Tanner gazes into my eyes. “I don’t know, Daphne. But, I do know that I will always be devoted to you. I will always do everything in my power to make you happy, to make you look back on this day knowing that this was the best decision you ever made. Because I know, deep within my soul, there is no one else for me.”

  My eyes moisten as I gaze into my husband’s deep irises, knowing it has been a difficult road to get to this point, but a road worth traveling. Through the heartache, the confusion, everything that I went through with Mayson and Cece, it somehow brought me here, to this moment with Tanner. We are about to begin our lives together and I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Tanner pulls me close, and peace envelops my soul. Kim’s words echo through me, “He is the one I see.”


  Writing Bouquet Toss has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. And thanks to so many people who have come into my life, it’s now in print and available online. Sometimes I still can’t believe it.

  Thank you to my friends and family who took the time to read while it was being written: Beth, Calia, Maggi, Kim, Lisa, Jules, Julie, Sara Z., Fred, Colleen, Lex, Sarah, Kelly, the hubs, and my wonderful Mom, Deb. You each helped to build my confidence and many gave great suggestions to help make the story better.

  Sarah Hansen of “Okay Creations” made the beautiful book cover for Bouquet Toss. It is elegant and timeless and I feel so lucky every time I look at it, that I was able to work with such a talent. Thank you, Sarah, for all of the time and energy that you put into making the outside of my book so gorgeous. You can find her at:

  Colleen Hoover, you helped me to learn one of the greatest lessons in this entire experience…that I have to tell the story that makes me happy. I will always be grateful to you for putting things in perspective for me and for teaching me to follow my gut. You are an incredible role model.

  Kim August, thank you so much for all of your wonderful ideas regarding the story and also for your unbridled enthusiasm for my ‘career’ as a writer, including planning a book release party for me in order to celebrate. You are an incredible cheerleader! I will also never erase the voicemail you left me….it’s just too special.

  Melissa Perea, wow….just wow. You are an unbelievably talented beta reader, writer, and you can see the tiniest plot change making a huge difference. Our brainstorming sessions were so much fun. After talking with you, I always felt ready to dive into the story and make it just a little bit better. You inspire me.

  Jennifer Hall, my editor, thank you for editing Bouquet Toss. Your faith in me as well as your enthusiasm for the story were both so special! Not to mention how truly gifted you are at editing---I see a bright and successful future for you in the world of books!

  Kyla Linde, thank you so much for all of the wonderful advice about marketing a book, formatting it properly, etc. And I cannot thank you enough for sharing Bouquet Toss with your many fans.

  Janna Mashburn, you are such a gift, such a blessing in my life. You encouraged me, cheered me on, fell in love with the characters and helped me to do right by them. You, my sweet Book Twin, helped to create the story that is Bouquet Toss, and I will be forever grateful to you. I will also always be thankful for those two broken Nooks…our kindles brought us together and it is because of our taste in reading that we now have decades of friendship to look forward to!!

  Chris Brown, the love of my life (and the inspiration for Tanner). I am so lucky to have you in my corner. Thank you for your flexibility and support, as well as your amazing proofreading skills and ideas. I love you so.

  I had the idea for this book almost ten years ago. I began writing, but then stopped…life got in the way, and I lost faith in myself. And then, I read a book called “The Opportunist” by Tarryn Fisher and it changed me. The passion I felt for the characters and the story was like nothing I had ever experienced. Tarryn, I cannot thank you enough for renewing my love of reading and writing. It is because of your unique gifts as an author that I was inspired to find the story I had abandoned years ago and do my best to make it something worth reading. You also introduced me to an incredible online community of readers and writers. And it is because of you that I know many of the people who are mentioned above. You have changed my life and I will forever be grateful for the impact you have had on me and my future as a writer. Thank you.

  About the Author:

  Melissa Brown is a hopeless romantic living in the Chicago suburbs with her husband Chris and their two children. Aside from writing, she enjoys reading and baking. She also has a slight obsession with actor Henry Cavill.

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  Bouquet Toss:

  Copyright © 2012 Melissa Brown

  ISBN-13: 978-1479218684

  All rights reserved.