Bouquet Toss Read online

Page 16

  “Your family is such a blast,” Tanner reminisces. “Your aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone was really nice to me. They welcomed me with open arms. My family isn’t quite so...”

  “Loud?” I ask, giggling. Tanner gives me a fake scowl before continuing.

  “What I meant to say was that they are boisterous.”

  “That’s just a smart word for loud.” I shrug.

  “Yeah, ok, they are loud. But, I love that. Don’t get me wrong, my family is great, but they are definitely reserved. My mom won’t be offering you a beer the moment she meets you. I think your cousin Trevor offered me a beer about every ten minutes. If I’d accepted each one, you’d be dragging me home right now. But, he’s a hell of a guy. I’m really looking forward to seeing your relatives again.”

  Sighing with satisfaction, I mentally replay scenes from the baseball game in my head; Tanner joking so easily with my Dad, charming my mother and my Aunt, drinking beer with my cousins. He fit so beautifully into my family, into my world. With each passing day, my feelings for Tanner are getting stronger. Remembering what my Mom had said to me earlier, I smile knowing that Tanner has made all the difference in my life.

  Chapter 28


  Tanner and I are cuddled up on my sofa, eating Chinese food and watching a romantic comedy (take that, Abram!) when the phone rings. Glancing at the caller ID, I see it’s Morgan calling from the Bahamas.


  “Daphne, you stinker!” Morgan laughs into the phone. “You knew Matt was going to propose! You helped pick the ring!”

  “Yes, I did, Morgan. Did you say yes?”

  “Well, of course I said yes!”

  “Tell me all about it.”

  “Oh, Daph, it was so wonderful. He arranged to have a private dinner set up for us on the beach at sunset. We had our own little canopy draped over the table and there were candles everywhere. It was so incredible. He got down on one knee as soon as we reached the table. It was adorable. He couldn’t even wait for us to eat.”

  “I’m so thrilled for you! I’m dying to know, do you like your ring?” The awkward pause that follows makes my heart sink.

  “No.” Morgan says, sounding sad.

  “Oh,” I respond, dumbfounded.

  “I LOVE it!

  “Ah!” I yell into the phone, “Who’s the stinker now?”

  Morgan laughs, “I had to do that, just to even the score! Seriously, though, it’s breathtaking. I don’t think I could’ve chosen anything better. Thank you so very much for helping Matt.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “I need to get back to my fiancé,” She giggles, “We’re going to go for a long walk to discuss our plans for the wedding. But, before I go, I have an important question to ask you.”

  “Yes?” I reply.

  “Will you be my Maid of Honor?”

  “Of course!” I shriek, bouncing up and down on the couch, causing Tanner to drop his chopsticks.

  “Hooray! Thank you for everything, Daph. We’ll be home in a few days. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I can’t wait to see that ring on your finger! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.” Hanging up with Morgan, I let out a contented sigh.

  “So, he asked her, huh?” Tanner questions, “He was really nervous before the trip. He was convinced that Morgan would see the ring at the airport.”

  “Matt planned to put it on the conveyor inside his shoes, ring box and all. I knew Morgan would be so distracted by her own things going through the conveyor, she wouldn’t pay any attention.”

  “Obviously it worked or he would’ve gone down on one knee right there in airport security,” Tanner smiles.

  “Really? Is that what he told you?”

  “Yeah, Matt and I have hung out a few times.” Tanner admits. I had no idea.

  “I think that’s great, Tanner.”

  “He’s a cool guy. I like him.”

  “Ooh, do I feel a ‘bromance’ brewing?”

  “Well, he is my type,” Tanner jokes. “I was actually thinking of asking Matt to be my date at my cousin’s wedding next month, but I think he might be busy. I guess I’ll have to ask you.” Tanner pretends to look disappointed, his brow furrowed, his mouth forming a pout.

  “A wedding, huh?” I ask. Ugh, I haven’t shared my bouquet catching abilities with Tanner yet. I figured I had until Morgan’s nuptials to share that about myself.

  “Yes, it’s in Door County Wisconsin. My parents and sister will be going, as well. I hope that doesn’t scare you off.” Tanner looks hesitant, but relaxes once I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Are you kidding?” I ask, climbing into his lap, “I would love to meet your family.”

  “Phew, wasn’t sure if it was too soon.” Tanner admitted.

  “Well, you’ve met my family. Why is this different?” I ask, confused.

  “I don’t know. Your parents live only a couple of towns over. Obviously I knew I’d meet them pretty early in our relationship. My family is out of state. I’m guessing you thought you had more time before, you know, being introduced.”

  “I would love to meet the rest of the Finley clan. Besides, we’ve been dating for a few months now; I think it’s time, don’t you?” I purr softly into his neck, planting small kisses along the neckline of his t-shirt. Overjoyed by Tanner’s willingness to introduce me to his family, I’m suddenly feeling quite amorous.

  “I’m glad, Daphne. They’re excited to meet you...very excited, in fact. Every time I speak to my Mom, she asks if I’ve invited you yet. I’ve been keeping her at bay for a while now, but figured I’d better ask before you made other plans. My folks are renting a large condo. There is plenty of room for all of us....that is, if you’re comfortable staying there. We can always get a hotel room if you prefer.”

  “Hmm,” I say, pretending to ponder the alternative, “Let’s stay with your folks.” Sitting up, I look Tanner in the eye and smile seductively. “Now, will you please stop talking and take me to my bedroom?”

  “Oh, of course, what was I thinking?” Tanner laughs, scooping me up and carrying me down the hall. We collapse onto my bed and he showers me with sensual kisses. His body language reveals his relief. I have passed a test. Positively flattered that he wants me to be such an open part of his life, I bask in his seductive kisses, completely enamored.

  Tanner’s kisses grow more urgent and I’m instantly swept up in his need for me. Running my fingers through his hair, my tongue sweeps eagerly through his mouth and he moans softly. Slowly, I suck on his bottom lip pulling it between my teeth and biting down gently. Tanner lets out another moan. Pulling down his pants at a feverish pace, I’m overwhelmed by my desire to connect with him physically. Voracious, Tanner yanks my top off and explores each breast with the tip of his tongue. Swept up by every delicious flick of his tongue, I move with him in a graceful motion. Needy yet smooth; hungry yet sweet. Every physical move he makes, I’m certain is driven by his emotions, by his devotion to me. This is not just sex, this is love. Real love.

  Basking in the afterglow, Tanner runs his fingers through my hair and caresses my back lovingly.

  “I swear, your hands are going to ruin me forever.”

  “How do you mean,” Tanner inquires, shifting slightly.

  “Your touch is unique. I’m not sure how to describe it. You seem to know exactly what to do and when you want to do it. When you want to excite me, you’re able to do that within seconds. And when all is said and done and we are relaxing here, your touch is so sweet. You send shivers down my spine. It’s lovely.”

  “I just have trouble keeping my hands off you. That’s all.” Tanner says, making little circles on my lower back with his fingers.

  Just then, the phone rings. I start to sit up, but Tanner pulls me back down towards him. “No, stay here with me. Pretend it’s not ringing.”

  “Alright, I say. Whoever it is can wait.” I smile, snuggling into Tanner’s embrace, placing my head on his
chest. He smiles warmly and pulls me closer as I hear my answering machine pick up the phone call. My heart skips a beat when I hear a familiar voice travel through the air waves into my bedroom.

  “Daphne, dear, it’s Cece. I’m calling to say hello and to see what’s new with you. I found a really great article on middle school lesson planning and was wondering if you had seen it. I know you mentioned you’ll be looking for some new ideas this year. Anyway, just give me a call. I’ll be home. Sending you my love.”

  “She sounded nice. Who was that?” Panic pulses through my body. My heart races and beads of sweat form on my hairline. I’m not ready to tell Tanner about Cece, especially after we’ve just been so intimate. She seems to have ridiculous timing. Maybe I should silence my answering machine.

  “Daphne?” Tanner’s voice startles me and I realize I haven’t yet told him who Cece is. He is waiting.

  Thinking on my feet, I muster, “She’s my aunt.” I feel downright awful for lying to him, but I’m lost on what else I can do. Tanner would not understand my continued friendship with Mayson’s mother and might pressure me to put an end to it. I know I can’t do that. Not yet.

  “Oh, I don’t remember an Aunt Cece at the ballgame,” he mutters suspiciously. My heart skips a beat. I hadn’t planned on expanding my lie. It is killing me to lie to Tanner.

  “She lives in South Carolina and wasn’t able to make it.” Tanner is silent.

  Plagued with guilt, I press my face into Tanner’s chest, unable to look him in the eye. Within a few minutes, his breathing slows as he drifts off to sleep. Unable to close my eyes for even a moment, I am utterly ashamed of myself. Just minutes after realizing the depth of my feelings for Tanner, I have once again deceived him by hiding my relationship with Cece. The thought of losing Tanner makes my stomach drop to my knees with panic. I am in love with him, a feeling I’ve dreaded and yearned for all at the same time. Knowing my behavior is deplorable, but unable to tell the truth, I listen to the beat of Tanner’s heart, listen to his shallow breaths and hope to one day redeem myself.

  Chapter 29


  “Wow, it’s so beautiful up here. I’ve never seen the bay.” I say, looking out the window of Tanner’s SUV, admiring the beautiful atmosphere of Door County on our drive to his parent’s rental in Egg Harbor. We pass several billboards advertising wineries, restaurants and cheese shops. The water along the shore glistens in the sunlight and I hope we will be staying on the water.

  “The skies are so blue today,” Tanner says in agreement, a contented smile upon his face. He pulls my hand into his, giving it a quick kiss before placing it on his thigh. Sighing softly to myself, I continue to admire the view from outside my window.

  Soon, we arrive at the resort of condominiums. It’s enormous and appears to be situated right on the bay. I’m thrilled. Tanner carries our bags to his parent’s unit. My chest tightens as we approach the door. I’ve never been so nervous to meet a man’s family before. I want them to like me, desperately. It would kill me if they didn’t. Tanner squeezes my hand tightly and gives me a reassuring smile. It’s like he can read my mind. I return his smile with an apprehensive face, and he shakes his head as if to stop me from any negative thoughts. I take a deep breath and nod confidently as he knocks on the door.

  A tall man with gray hair opens the door and greets us with kind eyes.

  “You made it,” his father says, holding the door open wide. I follow Tanner into the unit as he places our bags on the floor.

  “You must be Daphne. I’m Paul, Tanner’s father.” I offer him my hand to shake it, but he pulls me in for a hug. I breathe a sigh of relief, truly feeling welcome. “We’ve heard so much about you, Daphne. I’m so glad you were able to make it.”

  “Thank you so much for having me, Mr. Finley. I’m thrilled to be here. Door County is so beautiful.”

  “Please, call me Paul,” he raises a playful eyebrow at me. “Have you ever been up to Egg Harbor before?”

  “No, sir, this is my first time in Door County, in fact.”

  “Well, you’re going to love it,” he smiles exuberantly. “It’s Lily’s favorite place on earth. Oh, here she is now,” Paul gestures towards the long hallway. I hear the clicking of heels and know that Tanner’s mother is approaching. Holding my breath, I hope she’ll be as kind as her husband.

  “Tanner, Daphne, you’re here!” She practically squeals as she strolls over to Tanner and embraces him tightly. Tanner smiles lovingly at his mother and I’m impressed with their rapport.

  “Mom, I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Daphne.”

  “Daphne, honey, thanks for coming,” she says as she pulls me into a tight embrace. Who knew the Finleys would be so affectionate? They are calming my fears with their obvious good nature.

  “Here, honey, come on in. You must be thirsty after such a long car trip. Can I get you anything? Iced tea? Lemonade?” Mrs. Finley asks as we walk into the kitchen.

  “An iced tea would be lovely. Thanks so much, Mrs. Finley.”

  “Please, it’s Lily. My mother-in-law is Mrs. Finley. In fact, you’ll be meeting quite a few Mrs. Finleys this weekend at the wedding. There are a lot of men in this family.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I say, raising my iced tea to my lips as I follow Lily onto the deck. Paul and Tanner are sitting on the rustic patio furniture, looking at the incredible view. Large pine trees tower over our condo and the bay sparkles in the late afternoon sun. A slight breeze blows through the summer heat making it a little more bearable.

  Tanner pats the seat next to him. He smiles and places his arm around me as I sit and snuggle up to him. His mom notices this touch of intimacy and seems pleased.

  “So, Tanner tells us that you’re a teacher. Middle school, is that right?” Lily asks.

  “Yes. He mentioned that you volunteer at a local elementary school. I think that’s wonderful.”

  “I really enjoy it. I participate in the Reading Buddies program. The best part is that I’m allowed to bring in books myself. I have so many books from Tanner and Maggie’s childhood and it’s fun to introduce them to the children.”

  “Which is your favorite?” I ask, genuinely interested in Lily’s involvement with school children.

  “That would definitely be ‘Miss Nelson is Missing.’ Do you remember that, Tanner? You were so afraid of her when she was wearing that costume.”

  “How could I forget?” Tanner practically shudders next to me, “Miss Viola Swamp used to give me nightmares.” His admission makes me smile. He is so open, so honest and so damn adorable that I can hardly stand it.

  In this moment, I know I must tell Tanner that I love him. The emotion is welling up inside of me, filling me from head to toe. I know he loves me in return, so I’m not afraid of that. But, I want to find the right moment; the exact moment in which to say the words.

  “I love that book, too,” I say, placing Tanner’s hand in mine as I look him in the eyes. I decide to use the word ‘love’ a lot this weekend in order to mentally prepare him for that conversation.

  “Well, Daphne, I must say I think it is wonderful that Tanner is dating a teacher. I’ve always had the utmost respect and appreciation for that profession.”

  “Thank you so much, Lily. That means a lot to me.” I reply. She smiles warmly in return.

  “I have to say, I love your name. How did your parents choose it?” Lily asks inquisitively.

  “Well, it’s kind of a silly story.” I blush, “When I was born, I had bright red hair. It made my mom think of Daphne from Scooby Doo. My name was originally going to be Jane after my great grandmother. So, instead my parents decided on Daphne Jane.”

  “I love that,” Lily gives me a generous smile.

  “I do, too,” Tanner says, running his fingers through my auburn hair.

  “So, what are you two kids up to this evening?” Lily asks, changing the subject.

  “I was thinking we’d do a little wine tasting. Daph
ne loves wine.”

  “Oh, you’ll love the vineyards here, Daphne. All of the fruit wines are so refreshing and tasty.” Lily smiles widely.

  “Would you like to come with us?” I ask.

  Lily glances at Paul and they smile knowingly at one another before Paul responds.

  “That’s very sweet, but I think we’ll stay in this evening. Maggie should be arriving in a few hours. We don’t want her to show up to an empty condo. Plus, you two should spend some time alone before all of the wedding events tomorrow.”

  “Will you, at least, join us for dinner then?” Tanner asks.

  Paul glances at his watch. “Alright, maybe a quick bite to eat and then we’ll send you two on your way to the vineyards.”

  “Do you like cherries, sweetheart?” Tanner asks as we arrive at the first vineyard.

  “I adore cherries. They’re my favorite. In fact, I love them.” I smile, squeezing Tanner’s hand gently as we walk into the winery. He raises a suspicious eyebrow at me. Does he already have me figured out? He says nothing else as we stroll inside, holding the door open for me. His hand is gently placed on the small of my back as we walk to the counter. A woman smiles broadly and hands us the wine menus for the tasting. Tanner and I select our six wines for tasting and pass the selections back to our host.

  “Excellent choices,” she says as she fills our glasses. Despite the large salad that I ate for dinner, the wine is giving me a delightful buzz by the time we have finished the tasting. I playfully hold onto Tanner’s elbow as we walk back to his car. Having not been affected by the wine himself, he is enjoying my tipsy behavior. He carries our purchases to the car, places them in the trunk and opens my door.

  “Wow, you’re such a gentleman this evening, huh?” I tease him. “I love that.”

  “Oh you do, huh?” he laughs, giving me a satisfied grin, “You are really feeling the love tonight, aren’t you Miss Harper?” He asks, swiftly pulling me into his arms. He has literally taken my breath away. He stares deeply into my eyes. He then glances to my lips, my cheeks, my hair as if he is searching for something to say. He strokes my cheek lightly with the pad of his thumb as he takes my chin into his hands. He kisses me deeply and I respond instantly, pulling him to me with voracity and desire. After a few moments, he pulls away, gasping for air, staring into my dumbfounded eyes.