Bouquet Toss Read online

Page 17

  “What is it?” Why did you stop?” I ask, leaning onto his chest for support without breaking eye contact.

  “I just remembered that we’re in a parking lot.” He laughs.

  “So what?” I ask, running my fingers down his neck.

  “We’re in a parking lot and you, my dear, are tipsy. And as much as I love when you are tipsy, I think we should probably go now.” I give him an exaggerated pout, but cannot sustain it when he raises his eyebrows at me.

  “Alright, party pooper,” I say between giggles climbing into my seat, “Let’s go.”

  We visit two more wineries, and despite my rapid consumption of the sweet crackers at each bar, I’m still enjoying a very healthy buzz. I notice that Tanner is also showing a slight tipsiness to him. Being the responsible man that he is, however, our final winery is across the street from the condominium complex.

  “You think of everything, don’t you?” I ask as he carefully pulls his car into the parking lot.

  “Most of the time. Isn’t that something you love about me?” he asks, patting my leg after putting the gear shift into ‘park’. I take his hand in mine and stare at him intently.

  “I love everything about you.” Tanner stares at me for a moment, then smiles deviously and grabs my face with both of his hands, pulling me toward him for another deep kiss. His tongue tastes delicious, like strawberry wine. His breath is hot on my neck as he pulls away and begins to shower me with kisses along my jaw. I shudder and cry out softly as he flicks his tongue seductively on the fleshy portion of my ear. I want him so badly. Craving the touch that only Tanner can give, I stroke his inner thigh, urging him on.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he murmurs.

  “Will that be ok?” I hesitate, “I mean, with your family?”

  “Yeah, we just need to be quiet. Can you do that?” I stare, astonished at his question.

  “I’m not sure,” I giggle.

  “I promise it’ll be worth it,” Tanner smirks before kissing me roughly on the lips once again. I have no choice but to nod in surrender.

  The next morning lying next to him, I feel elated but a touch paranoid. I remember our movements and how our bodies fit together so perfectly. I remember the smell of wine lingering as he stroked my hair and I breathed roughly into his chest. The one thing I don’t remember is whether or not I was able to keep my voice restrained. Eager to speak to Tanner, I stroke his shoulders, his biceps and his forearms lightly, hoping he’ll be able to reassure me. Eventually he stirs.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” he says, smiling widely.

  “Morning, Tanner. Last night was absolutely blissful.” I say, stroking his cheek.

  “I agree. I loved it.” He smirks. Yep, he has me totally figured out. Refusing to give in, at this point, I continue to play the game.

  “Well, I’m so glad you loved it, darling. But, I’m dreading seeing your folks.”

  “Why?” he seems genuinely puzzled.

  “Well, I don’t know if I was able to control myself. I remember so many things about last night, but I can’t recall if I was quiet know, so that no one heard us.”

  “You were practically silent, Daphne,” Tanner snickers.

  “I don’t believe you!” I say, shoving him playfully in the chest.

  “No, I swear, I swear,” he says, holding his hands up in defense. “You were perfect, sweetheart. I’m certain no one heard anything at all.”

  I loosen up, knowing Tanner would never lie to me. And in that realization, I realize how incredibly happy I am with this man. He is honest, he is kind, and he is outright sexy.

  “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

  “Hmm, I was just realizing how lucky I am.”

  “Hmm,” he says sarcastically, “What were you really thinking?”

  “Well, if you must know. I was thinking about you. How wonderful you are, how sweet you are, that kind of stuff.”

  “Keep going. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of this conversation,” he laughs.

  “I’m sure you won’t,” I say, raising an eyebrow.

  Tanner says, pulling me closer, pushing my bangs from my eyes. “I’m glad you think you’re lucky. But, I’m the lucky one. You came into my life and have brightened it ever since. You’re like sunshine.” He pauses and strokes the stray hair from my face. “Are you hungry? I think I smell bacon and coffee downstairs.”

  “Sure, let me take a quick shower and then I’ll be right down.” I say, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

  “You know you look perfect. Everyone else will be in their pajamas and robes.”

  “But, I don’t know that I’m ready for your father to see me in my pajamas,” I admit, my cheeks turning scarlet. Tanner places a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose.

  “I understand, sweetheart. I’ll see you downstairs.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble, still feeling a bit uneasy. Tanner puts on his pajamas and closes the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, I head to the washroom to freshen myself up. I can hear his parents asking him about our trip to the wineries. There is no weirdness or awkward tension and I feel so relieved.

  Quickly, I shower, get dressed and pretty myself up a bit before heading downstairs to join Tanner’s family for breakfast. His sister Maggie is the first to greet me, crossing the room and giving me a hug.

  “Good morning, Daphne! It’s so good to see you again.”

  I smile warmly at her, “Thanks, Maggie. I’m happy to see you, too.”

  “Come sit down. Mom and I made breakfast for everyone. What can I get you? Eggs? Bacon? Fresh fruit?” My stomach growls loudly.

  “Oh wow.” I giggle, placing a hand on my abdomen, “Yes, yes and yes, please.”

  Tanner grasps my hand in his under the table and gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. I shift towards him, thanking him for the sweet contact.

  Everyone is excited for the wedding this evening. Maggie convinces me to let her style my hair. I oblige, mostly because I’m terrible at styling my own hair, but I’m also excited about the opportunity to bond with her. I haven’t really spent much time with Maggie and would love her to approve of my relationship with Tanner.

  Lily and Paul are attentive hosts, making sure I’ve had enough to eat and that I slept well. I feel so at home in their world and it’s encouraging. I find myself getting excited about the upcoming wedding and reception. Now that I feel accepted and welcomed into the Finley family, I’m ready to face the relatives.

  That evening, Tanner and I are sitting in a small church waiting for his cousin, Victoria, to walk down the aisle. His arm is set behind me while the other cups my hand in his. He looks so satisfied to have me on his arm. It makes me swoon again knowing that he’s proud of my being here with his family. I’m his one and only and the knowledge of this brings me immeasurable amounts of joy.

  The Bridal Chorus begins and Victoria strolls down the aisle. Her dark hair cascades down her back, and the lace of her dress matches the delicate veil atop her head. She’s a sight to behold.

  The service is beautiful and the joy of the newly married couple radiates throughout the chapel. Tanner leans in closer as the bride and groom exit the church.

  “Hope that wasn’t too painful,” he smiles.

  “Are you kidding? It was gorgeous. I’m a sucker for a beautiful church wedding.” I take his hand and we follow the crowd out to the parking lot.

  “Really? I pegged you as a get-married-on-the-beach type of girl.”

  “Nah, I guess I’m more traditional than you know, Mr. Finley. I’ve always dreamed of a small chapel like this, my father walking me down the aisle, all that good stuff. What about you?” I tilt my head to the side with a small smirk on my face as Tanner opens my car door for me and holds it open, staring me deeply in the eyes.

  “Honestly, I’ve never given the actual service much thought. I’ve always thought more about the woman I’d marry.” He then plants a strong kiss on me before strolling around the SUV to the dri
ver’s side. I’m left stunned and realize that I’m still standing outside of the vehicle as Tanner starts the engine.

  “Daphne,” he laughs, “Want to get in the car, sweetheart?”

  “Right,” I say, shaking off my bewildered expression.

  We spend the next few minutes in complete silence. I’m too afraid to speak, my emotions are too strong. I’m afraid I’ll confess my love right here in the car. No, Daphne, you must wait for the right time.

  “Are you alright?” Tanner asks, breaking my chain of thought.

  “Did I freak you out back there?” He looks perplexed and nervous. He thinks I didn’t like what he was hinting at, but he is so wrong.

  I look at him confidently and say, matter-of-factly, “Absolutely not, Tanner. It’s just the opposite.”

  “Oh, thank goodness,” he sighs. I’m so eager to tell him how I feel. I want to ease his fears and my own. But, first, I must confess my hidden talents that will surely be revealed at Victoria’s reception.

  “So, there’s something I really should share with you,” I say nervously.

  “Go ahead,” he says, focusing on the road. He looks tense.

  “I sort of have this talent. It’s an odd one to have, I admit…but, well, I catch every bouquet at every wedding I attend even though I don’t want to. There, I said it. It’s off my chest. Phew.” I exhale deeply and push my head back into the seat.

  “Seriously,” Tanner grins. “Every time, huh?” I nod.

  “How many weddings?” he asks.

  “I’m starting to lose count, to tell you the truth. Nine? Maybe ten?”

  “I’m not gonna lie, that’s a little odd. But, maybe the universe is speaking to you.” I sit up with a start.

  “That’s what I’ve always wondered! But, honestly, it’s been going on for so long now, who the heck knows anymore. I don’t want you to be freaked out if I catch it tonight.”

  “If you catch it?”

  “Ok, when I catch it.” I roll my eyes playfully.

  “It won’t freak me out.”

  “Really, are you sure?” I ask, giving him my best attempt at a sexy smile.

  “I am absolutely certain. I promise it won’t freak me out.” He is so calm and self-assured, as he speaks these words. A strong wave of calm spreads through me as he pulls his SUV into an empty parking space. He shifts the car into park and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

  “Come on, I’m starving. Let’s go eat!”

  Several hours later, it’s time for the bouquet toss. My heart begins to race. Normally, I would be thrilled to catch the bouquet. I’m in a committed relationship with a wonderful man; a man with whom I can imagine planning a future. I can picture myself walking down the aisle, walking towards Tanner, a huge smile on his face. I can envision him as my husband. However, I’m growing tired of my curse. Part of me wants nothing more than to see some other young woman catch that bundle of flowers. But, would Tanner be disappointed?

  Slowly, I make my way to the dance floor. Several of Tanner’s young cousins are on the dance floor, giggling and ready for the main event. My lungs expand, breathing in the warm air of the reception hall. Glancing back at Tanner, I position myself amongst the cousins.

  Sure enough, the bride tosses it behind her and it lands perfectly in my hands. My breath escapes me. I’ve never been so happy catching the bouquet before. My cheeks, my ears, my neck all burn hot with pure elation. This time, I truly want to be the next one in line for marriage. I want a future with Tanner. And I need to tell him so.

  Slowly, I saunter back to Tanner who is grinning from ear to ear. He raises his eyebrows as he shrugs.

  “Well, that was a perfect catch, sweetheart.” He looks as happy as I feel.

  “I told ya,” I grin.

  “Do you think I’ll be as lucky?” he asks, pulling me into his arms.

  “Hmmm,” I sigh, “We’ll have to see if my gift has rubbed off on you.”

  Tanner strolls out to the dance floor. There are several men in their twenties and thirties waiting for Chris the groom to toss the garter. Tanner places both of his hands in his pockets and glances at me with a naughty expression. I gasp and do the “tsk, tsk, tsk” sign with my fingers. He laughs heartily and takes them out of his pockets, raising them above his head in surrender. He is so freaking cute.

  Chris, who is a bit tipsy, saunters up to the group of men, winks and turns his back to them. He whips the garter behind his back and it is a line drive straight to the floor. The crowd erupts in laughter. The groom, after seeing where the garter has landed, doubles over in hysterics, holding onto his thighs for support. He then picks it up and flings it straight at Tanner who grabs the garter looking stunned. He then turns to me, wide eyed and holds it up in the air. I giggle uncontrollably. He walks towards me and shrugs his shoulders, his cheeks a deep crimson red.

  “What are the chances?” I practically squeal with delight. Tanner pulls me onto the dance floor as a very familiar song fills the room, “Till There Was You” by The Beatles, one of my absolute favorites. This man has been paying attention.

  “Oh my goodness,” I say, recognizing the tune immediately. “Did you request this song, Mr. Finley?”

  “Maybe.” He smirks, “Ever since you told me how much you loved it, I can’t get it out of my head. It makes me think of you.” Pulling me into his arms as he hums along to the song, he sings snippets of the lyrics as he gazes istanto my eyes. The lights of the banquet hall are reflecting on the tiny green specks of his deep brown irises and my heart is aflutter. Tanner pushes my hair out of my eyes and tucks the strays behind my ears, smoothing my hair to the tips. His hand continues down my spine and lands on my backside. An impish grin upon his face, he leans in close to me, so close I can feel his breath upon my forehead.

  “Daphne, there’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve wanted to say for a while now,” my heart thumps in my chest as I await his words.

  “Yes, Tanner?”

  “I feel so blessed that you came into my life and I want you to know the depths of my feelings for you.” He pauses, licking his lips before biting them nervously.

  “It’s okay. Tell me.” I reassure him. He smiles in relief.

  “I love you, Daphne. I’ve never said that to anyone but, I’ve never felt this way before. It’s a little scary, but in an amazing way. I love you more than I ever thought I could love another person.” His eyes grow moist as he speaks.

  “Oh, Tanner! I love you, too. I love you so very much.” I say, throwing myself into his embrace. He sighs deeply as I clutch his chest. We sway slowly on the dance floor for the rest of the night, even through several techno dance songs. We don’t even notice. We’re in love and we’re dancing to the music we are creating together.

  Chapter 30


  “You really don’t need to chaperone us, Elise. Tanner doesn’t mind my hanging out with Evan.” I giggle as Elise and I walk up to Evan’s apartment.

  “I’m not chaperoning you, silly girl. I’ve wanted to see this band for months now.” I raise an eyebrow at her and she looks away quickly. She and Henry are awfully protective of Tanner and my relationship. Deep down, I know she is curious about my friendship with Evan. “But, I will say, it is rare for you to have casual friendships with men, so I’m a bit curious to see how you behave around this Evan character.”

  “I knew it. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. He and Tanner have met. It’s all fine. Tanner trusts me.”

  “I trust you, too.” Elise attempts to reassure me.

  “I hope so,” I reply. “I love Tanner, Elise. It’s real. And as soon as you meet Evan, you’ll realize you are worried about nothing.”

  “Why do you say that, is he an ugly troll?” she asks sarcastically.

  “No, of course not. He’s very attractive. But, our relationship isn’t like that.”

  “Even though you’ve slept together?”

  “Yep.” I nod. Somehow I knew that was wha
t was driving Elise crazy.

  “Wow,” Elise says as I buzz Evan’s apartment, “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Giggling away her skepticism, I’m confident that in just a few minutes she will observe the rapport I have with Evan and no longer worry about my relationship with Tanner.

  Evan comes through the door of his building. He is wearing a black leather coat and he looks very handsome. Out of the corner of my eye, I observe Elise. Her mouth is agape at the sight of him and I have to keep myself from giggling at her.

  “Hey ladies, are we ready for some music?”

  “Oh yes,” I nod, “Evan, I’d like you to meet my best friend, Elise.”

  “Great to meet you,” he says warmly, extending his hand to Elise. She looks away briefly in embarrassment before returning the gesture, a huge smile upon her face. Evan has charmed her already.

  “I’m surprised Tanner didn’t want to join us tonight.” Evan observes, focusing his attention back to me.

  “He’s not a fan of the band,” I shrug, “he’s going to grab a beer with some friends from work, but he said he’ll stop by later if he can.”

  “Okay, next time then.” Evan smiles warmly, “Shall we head to the bar?”

  We make our way into a Northwestern campus bar where local bands play. As Elise and I get comfortable at a table, Evan makes his way over to the bar to order our drinks. He chats easily with the bartender and I instantly wonder if they’ve met before. Evan has a terrible habit of dating the wrong women.

  “You seem to know your way around campus, Evan.” Elise says when Evan returns to the table with a round of drinks.

  “Well, I should. I spent four years of my life here,” Evan replies.