Bouquet Toss Read online

Page 18

  “Oh, I had no idea,” Elise replies sheepishly, biting her upper lip in embarrassment. “Hey, I’m going to head to the ladies room, I’ll be back in a minute,” Elise stands up and before I can offer to go with her, she scurries off to the restroom. I can’t hide my amused expression.

  “Spill it, what’s up with your best friend?”

  “I think you make her nervous,” I suggest with a laugh.

  “Me?” Evan asks. I nod. He looks taken aback, “Why on earth is your friend nervous around me?”

  “Well, aside from your obvious good looks and charm, she is here under false pretenses.”

  “How do you mean?” Evan asks, raising a curious eyebrow and tilts his head to the side slightly, looking for more information.

  “She’s babysitting us.”

  “Oh, did Tanner send her?” Evan looks a bit disappointed.

  “No, he would never do that. In fact, I’m not even sure that Tanner knows she is here with us tonight since she decided to join us at the last minute.” Evan’s posture relaxes immediately with my reassurance. “She’s just very protective of me. And he is very close with her husband, so…”

  “Ahh, I get it. No worries. I’ll play nice,” he chuckles and I roll my eyes in return.

  “She likes you already, I can tell. But, she’s suspicious about my track record. Having guys for friends has never really been my thing”

  “You don’t have many of them?”

  “Other than you?” I ask. Evan nods and I shake my head.

  “Wow, I’m surprised, Daphne. You’re so easy to hang out with, I would think you’d have lots of male friends.” I shrug my shoulders just as Elise slips back into her seat.

  “Okay, what did I miss?” she asks, wide-eyed.

  “We’re just talking about the band,” I smile, giving Evan a quick glance. He winks sweetly back at me.

  “They’re about to start their set,” Evan adds. Elise takes a sip of her drink and I can tell she is ready to grill Evan in order to gauge his intentions towards me. Thank goodness I prepared him for my friend the detective.

  “So, Evan, what do you do for a living?” she begins.

  “I’m in marketing. I love it because I get to spend my day thinking about how to spread the word on concepts and products. And I get to spend my day talking with people.”

  “You seem like you would be really good at that,” Elise adds.

  “He is,” I nod, “He tells me about the projects he’s working on, and the ladies who distract him,” I wink at Evan, before taking a sip of my cocktail.

  “Alright, alright, yes Daphne has been clued in to my messy love life.” Evan chuckles as he sips his beer.

  “Why is your love life messy, if you don’t mind my asking?” Elise may be great at investigation, but her manners never fail her.

  “No worries, Elise. I just have a bad track record with women--”

  “And he likes girls who are all wrong for him,” I interrupt, nudging him in the arm.

  “Yes, Daphne here is trying to help me work on that. But, sometimes I can’t help myself. The heart wants what the heart wants,” he shrugs, sarcasm dripping from his words. I roll my eyes at him playfully.

  “Daph, isn’t that Tanner?” Elise cranes her neck, looking toward the door. In a split second, I’m off my bar stool, searching the room for my boyfriend. I glance at Evan, who is observing me with a relaxed smile. After scanning the room, I find him. He is walking through the bar, searching for me as well. Our eyes meet and I grin from ear to ear, waving him over to our table as Evan grabs another stool.

  “Tanner, you made it,” I say, wrapping my arms around him. I slowly release him from my ecstatic grip.

  “Hey, Evan, how’s it going, man?” Tanner says, extending a friendly hand to Evan who squeezes his hand in return.

  “I’m doing well. Here, sit. I’m glad you were able to make it. Daphne mentioned these guys aren’t really your favorite. Decided to come anyway, huh?”

  “Yep,” a grin forms upon Tanner’s face, “I thought I’d hang out with you guys.”

  “I’m so glad you did,” I say, gazing at Tanner. He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles softly.

  “Okay,” Elise says giddily, “I really need a refill. Evan would you join me at the bar for a few minutes? I think we should allow the love birds a minute to themselves.”

  “Of course,” Evan stands, gesturing for Elise to walk into his outstretched arm, “We’ll be back in a bit.”

  As soon as they walk away, Tanner turns and plants a sensual kiss on my lips. I place my hands on his cheeks, so happy to have a moment alone with him.

  “I didn’t think you’d come out with us. You made my night, babe.” I smile.

  “In all honesty, I couldn’t stay away. Work has been really stressful lately and today was no picnic. But, I knew seeing you would make it all better.”

  “Really?” I ask.

  “Always, Daph. You always make things better,” he leans in and places his forehead on mine and all of a sudden, I’m no longer interested in hearing the band. All I want to do is take Tanner back to my apartment and have my way with him. But, I can’t do that to Elise or Evan. Instead I give Tanner a soft kiss on his lips and ask, “Are you staying over tonight?”

  “Definitely,” he smiles.

  “Alright, alright, break it up,” Elise smiles. “We brought reinforcements.” She places four drinks on the table. We settle in and listen to the band, occasionally stopping to talk between songs. Evan and Tanner discuss their respective jobs and their similar taste in music. Elise, seeing their relaxed interaction gives me a look of approval.

  The band finishes their first set, and Tanner excuses himself to the washroom. Evan gives me a knowing look and I can’t tell if he’s about to tease me or congratulate me.

  “He’s a good guy,” Evan says, “You two are a really good fit.”

  “You think so?” I ask, genuinely wanting Evan’s approval.

  “I do. You’re glowing, Daphne. I’ve never seen you like this before. Ever since he walked through that door, you’ve been a different person.” I throw my head back slightly in surprise, raising one eyebrow. Evan chuckles, “I meant it as a compliment to him, not as an insult to you.”

  “I don’t mean to be different,” I say softly.

  “No, of course not. But you’re happier and more at peace when he’s near you. It’s really cool. I can see with my own eyes how happy he makes you and I like it.”

  “I see it, too,” Elise adds, nodding. “Evan’s right, you’re a good match. But, I already knew that,” she says, nudging me in the arm.

  We continue the evening listening to music, while enjoying light conversation. Evan and Tanner spend a lot of time discussing guy stuff as Elise and I share knowing glances and rolled eyes.

  When the bar closes, Tanner and I walk hand in hand out to our respective cars, saying a quick goodbye, for the moment. I know that I’ll be seeing him after dropping off my friends at their respective homes. In the car, we continue laughing and reminiscing on the music of the evening. It feels good to share Tanner with my friends and that they can see and feel my happiness. Simply thinking about their reactions makes me smile as I pull into my parking lot and see Tanner’s SUV is already here.

  Tanner wraps his arms around me, kisses me on my temple and we walk up the steps to my apartment. I feel so protected, so appreciated, so loved. Life is good.

  Chapter 31


  My brow furrows as I hear Tanner’s news. He is not happy about the recent development either, so I try my best to act as if I’m not upset, scared or hesitant so as to be supportive. “Well, it’s only for four weeks. And we can Skype, right?”

  Tanner lets out a sigh into the phone, “Yeah, I know, but we’ve spent this entire summer together. The idea of even one week apart is trying, let alone four. But, my boss says I’m the only developer that can fix the problems the client is having in Tokyo. Don’t get me wrong
, this is a really great opportunity for me career wise. But, I’m wishing they had sent me months ago, before I met you. We’ll be in completely different time zones. I’ll be awake while you’re sleeping and vice versa.”

  “I know, Tanner, I know.” My heart is aching, “But, we’ll have email and we can Skype every day. I’ll miss you like crazy, though.” I pause, sighing, “When do you have to leave?” I ask, hoping I’ll still have some time with him.

  “That’s the worst part. This trip is based on immediate problems and they need me to arrive this weekend, which means I have to leave tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I practically shriek into the phone.

  “I know, it’s awful.” Tanner says roughly. “But, I can’t say ‘no’. If I could, you know I would.”

  “We’ll be fine. We’ll do whatever we need to do to stay connected. You are getting the opportunity of a lifetime. The thought of spending an entire month across the globe is fascinating, really.”

  “You’re being a really good sport about this. Thanks, sweetheart. Listen, I had better get packing. They are putting me on an afternoon flight, so I will try to stop by your school before I leave for the airport. I can’t imagine leaving without kissing you goodbye.”

  “Me neither,” I mutter, dragging my hand through my hair, staring up at the ceiling holding in my tears. “Yes, please come by tomorrow. We need a respectable goodbye. Get started on your packing, call me if you need help deciding what to bring.”

  “Will do. Thank you, sweetheart. I love you.”

  Thankful that a new school year has arrived, I know my job will distract me while Tanner is away. We’ve only been together just short of five months. We’re still in the honeymoon phase where we can’t stand to be apart. Compound that by the fact that we just exchanged “I love you’s” for the first time, and this trip is sounding less appealing with every minute that goes by.

  I glance at the clock. It’s eight o’ clock in the evening, which means I have a few hours to stew on this before going to sleep and facing the next month without Tanner. I try calling Elise, but she’s not home so I resign myself to watching television in an effort to distract myself. I’m starting to drift off to sleep when my cell phone dings from my purse. My curiosity piqued, I retrieve my phone to find a text message from Tanner:

  I can’t wait until tomorrow. Please unlock your back door.

  Ecstatic, I run to the back door of my apartment and throw it open. Tanner is standing on my deck, his back to me. He quickly turns and reveals a large bouquet of roses, lilies and gardenias. His smile is wide; his eyes are filled with hope.

  “I couldn’t wait, I’m sorry. I had to see you.” He says, with a small shrug. I grab the flowers, smelling them briefly before placing them on the nearest surface. Dragging my boyfriend into the apartment I slam the door and jump into his arms, kissing him deeply.

  “Take me to my bedroom, Mr. Finley. We need to say goodbye properly.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies with a chuckle, supporting my backside with his strong hands as he ambles confidently to my bed. I weave my hands through his silky dark hair as he lays me down across the plum colored comforter. His lips find my ears, my neck, and finally my mouth. I part my lips, welcoming him as he greedily thrusts his tongue in and out at a feverish pace before pulling away abruptly. He lifts his head and stares into my eyes, startling me to my core. He tilts his head slightly and brushes my hair from my eyes ever so gently.

  “I love you, sweetheart. I love you more than I can ever express.”

  “I love you, too.” Still startled, I stroke his hair gently, trying to relieve the obvious pain he is in. His concern is plastered across his furrowed brow, his suddenly pink cheeks, and his growing pupils.

  “I can’t bear the thought of being away from you.”

  “I know, honey. I know,” I say softly, “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here when you get back.”

  “Do you have any idea how adorable you are? Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “What do I do to you?” I purr seductively. “Tell me, Tanner.” I stroke his cheek gently with my index finger in a way that makes him shudder. He closes his eyes briefly before responding.

  “You make me lose control in the best possible way. You bring out the best in me, you make me feel things in a way I never imagined.”

  “Are you saying I’m that good in bed? Wow, I never knew I was so talented,” I tease, raising an eyebrow.

  “And that,” he says, pointing his finger at my forehead, “Your sense of humor, it’s maddening and yet so brilliant. You are constantly making me laugh. You always know what to say to make me laugh, to ease my tension, to make me fall deeper and deeper in love with you.”

  “Tanner, you make me so incredibly happy. I know that I joke around a lot, and maybe that’s just me avoiding uncomfortable moments. But, never, ever mistake my humor for a lack of feeling. You’re marvelous and sexy and wonderful and I’m so lucky to have found you. Now will you please, please make love to me because at this rate, you’ll be walking out my door and I’ll be left completely unsatisfied, if you know what I mean,” I say with as straight a face as I can manage.

  “Gladly, sweetheart,” Tanner says as he leisurely removes my tank top and traces my ribs with his fingertips, teasing me with each movement. I’m aching for his lips and desperate for our dance that makes my skin go numb and my heart explode again and again. But, he’s taking his time. He leans down and plants tiny kisses just below my belly button tickling my hot skin. A distressed groan leaves my mouth as I can hardly bear the torture of his lips grazing my torso.

  “Please, Tanner, now,” I pant, desperation filling my hoarse voice. Tanner quickly sheds his clothes, leans up on his elbows and enters me. All at once I am full, full of Tanner and full of desire. Our love making is slow as we savor every last movement, every last kiss and every single toe-tingling touch. It will be four weeks until we’re able to make love again; to kiss and hold one another as we drift off to sleep.

  The next morning, my emotions get the best of me as I watch Tanner slumber soundly in my bed. My eyes well with tears as I try to imagine the next month without him beside me, without feeling his soft kisses, without touching his silky hair. It is overwhelming; the thought of saying goodbye. My pillow is unable to contain my sobs and I feel Tanner’s arm wrap around my stomach as he pulls me close to him.

  “Shhhhh, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay,” Instead of calming down, my sobs grow louder, more intense. I’m terrified to watch him walk out that door, terrified of what the separation could do to us, terrified of losing someone else who I’m hopelessly in love with. I can’t tell Tanner that I had horrible dreams last night; dreams of his plane crashing, dreams of him being hit by a crazy taxi driver in Japan, dreams of him never coming back to me.

  Eventually, I’m able to compose myself and the time comes to say farewell to Tanner. “I’ll text you as soon as I can so you’ll know when I’ve arrived in Tokyo,” he says, holding my hands in his as we stand next to his car. It’s a thirteen-hour flight, though, so you won’t see it until tomorrow. Try not to worry, alright?”

  Reluctantly, I nod with a forced smile so that Tanner will not be troubled by my anxiety. He pulls me in for one last, deep, delightful kiss and I melt into his arms, clutching his shirt so tight I can feel my knuckles growing pale. Watching him drive away, I climb the steps to my apartment and hope to God that the next four weeks go by quickly.

  Chapter 32


  His lips press firmly against my neck. His hot tongue draws a line up to the nape of my hair. His fingers slide gracefully down my back as I clutch my pillow in anticipation of his next move. His hand cups my backside and he presses and holds my skin firmly in his hand. I squirm. His tongue flicks my shoulder blades, my spine, and finally the small of my back as he makes his way lower, lower and lower still.

  Excitement builds in every square inch of my body as I ache for him.
When I can’t take one more moment of anticipation of his kiss, I turn to face the man in my bed. But, something is wrong. His brown hair is now a sandy blond. His speckled eyes have been replaced with emerald green. And his sweet, endearing smile, the one that makes me feel like I don’t have a care in the world, has been replaced with a cocky, arched grin.

  “Hey Puddin’” my companion says.

  “Stop,” I yell at myself. But, it is too late. I am his. I stare into his green eyes before pressing my hungry mouth to his. I have ached, yearned for his touch and I can no longer deny it, no longer deny the love, the desire, the attraction I still feel...for him.

  I wake from my dream, sobbing that Mayson has left me once again and it takes me several excruciating moments before I’m able to return to reality. Mayson is gone and Tanner, although across an ocean, is the one who owns my heart.

  “It was only a dream,” I say to myself between sobs. Disgust fills my brain. How could I be dreaming of him once again? I thought I was over him. I thought I had moved on, I thought...I thought a lot of things.

  Pulling myself together, I glance at the clock. It’s 3:00 am, which means it is 6:00pm in Japan and Tanner is most certainly still awake. He has been in Tokyo for two weeks now and it has been close to unbearable. Cell service will not work, so text messages are impossible. E-mail has been our main form of communication as our hopes of daily Skyping were dashed when he began working twelve-hour days. But, this was my chance; this was my opportunity to reach him. I could only hope he was in his hotel room.

  Quickly, I splash some cold water on my face, doing my best to hide the redness in my blotched cheeks. Turning on my laptop, I quickly open the Skype application and dial his email address. After several minutes of empty ringing, I give up. Instead, I will send an email. Defeated, I finish my message to Tanner and crawl back into bed. I need him right now and he isn’t here. He isn’t able to ease my fears. He isn’t able to chase Mayson from my subconscious or from my dreams. After an hour of tossing and turning, I’m somehow able to fall into a troubled sleep.